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Tommi#trr Irpur# <br />inn fke (Qouunau (90um -U of the tdity of OvW4 Send: <br />Your Committee of the Whole <br />to whom was referred <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF <br />$350,000 FROM THE CUMULATIVE SEWER <br />SINKING AND BUILDING FUND, TO PROJECT <br />CS -7, OLIVE STREET SANITARY SEWER TRUNK <br />RECONSTRUCTION, WITHIN SAID FUND. <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the Ordinance should be <br />recommended favorably to the Common Council, as amended below: <br />Reduce amount of $350,000 to $300,000 wherever mentioned. <br />Odell Newburn <br />Chairman <br />vnei •e eaa •ueu en�rvc co. <br />