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STAFF REPORT <br />NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO.<: #465 =76; June 25, 1976 <br />LOCATION - on the west side of Portage Avenue between Bulla and <br />Kinyon Streets. (This project is approximately two <br />blocks north of Elwood Street and the Martin's Store.) <br />EXISTING ZONING OF THE SURROUNDING PROPERTY - the property to the <br />north and east is currently zoned "B" Residential. The <br />property to the south is zoned "A" Residential, "B" <br />Residential and "C" Commercial, and the property to the <br />west is zoned "A" Residential. <br />EXISTING LAND USE OF THE SURROUNDING PROPERTY - the property to the <br />north is currently being used for single family houses <br />with one vacant lot at the corner of Kinyon Street and <br />Portage Avenue. The property to the east is being used <br />for single family houses and a South Bend Fire Station. <br />The property to the south is currently being used for <br />commercial purposes and there are some multi - family uses, <br />and the property to the west is being used for single <br />family houses. <br />SITE PLAN -the site plan proposes the construction of a single story <br />branch bank facility for the National Bank & Trust Co. <br />The bank will have drive -up facilities and parking spaces <br />for customers. No other uses are proposed for the site. <br />ACCESS - access to the site will be from four points, one drive from <br />each of the four streets that surround the site. The <br />site plan layout as submitted would appear to allow most <br />of the exiting traffic to use the existing residential <br />streets and the Staff feels that this must be corrected <br />prior to final site plan submittal. <br />DRAINAGE - the site plan also indicates that all storm water will be <br />retained on the site through a system of dry wells. A <br />detailed drainage plan must be approved by the City <br />Engineer prior to final site plan submittal. <br />PARKING - the site plan indicates that 52 parking spaces will be <br />provided on the site. This will meet the requirements of <br />the South Bend Zoning Ordinance. <br />TABULATED DATA - the site contains approximately 68,379 square feet with <br />the building using approximately 2,380 square feet, the <br />parking, drives and covered areas using approximately <br />36,440 square feet and the remaining area of 29,559 square <br />feet remaining is open and landscaped area. <br />