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YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU: PROGRAMS <br />Currently the YSB operates 6 separate and distinct programs. Most <br />of our staff interchange in the various programs, but each program <br />is under the specific direction of one person, so the director is <br />better able to monitor them and provide input. <br />Counseling & <br />The Director assumes the responsibility <br />Referrals: <br />for all referrals, assigns them to ap- <br />propriate staff and monitors the perfor- <br />mance. All YSB staff and interns (in- <br />cluding the Director) have such a case- <br />load. These referrals from Police and <br />Probation are usually first offenders, <br />very young offenders or status offenders. <br />A status offense is a violation that can <br />only be committed by a juvenile, such as <br />runaway, curfew violation,incorrigible, <br />truancy, etc. The Director talks with <br />the referring agency or reads the police <br />report and makes a judgment as to which <br />staff person or intern can best respond <br />to the presenting problem. Once the <br />case is in service, the director will <br />discuss the case with the counselor <br />and the counselor will be encouraged to <br />bring up the case at the Monday morning <br />staff meeting with the Consulting Psy- <br />chologist present. <br />Work Experience: <br />Neil Shambry is the Head Job Coach in <br />the Work Experience Program. Linda <br />McDougal also works in this program. <br />CETA funds the work subsidities. <br />Approximately 500 youths have been in <br />the Work Experience or NYC program. They <br />are limited to from 3 to 6 months on the <br />federal subsidy. At the end of that <br />period they are eligible for further tr- <br />aining through CETA or they enter the <br />job market. We have been recognized for <br />assisting several youth in securing em- <br />ployment outside the program at the <br />conclusion of their tenure. We institued <br />a plaque in the memory of one of our young- <br />sters who was killed by a drunk driver and <br />we present this every six months to the <br />youth with the best work record in our pro- <br />gram. <br />