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YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU: FUNDING POSSIBILITIES FOR 1977 <br />Because our CETA Subgrant has been renewed, two staff positions <br />are assured for 1977. Since our RUNAWAY Grant runs through <br />August of 1977 (and stands a good chance for a one -year renewal) <br />three more positions are secure through 1977. We are also <br />counting heavily on the $16.,000 we have requested from the <br />Governor's budget for 1977 to fund an additional position. <br />County CETA will be providing the secretarial person. This <br />gives us a total of 7 staff positions plus the 10 -12 Interns <br />and Volunteers we will recruit. In order for us to maintain <br />our current level of services and retain our staff, it will <br />be necessary to acquire REVENUE SHARING funds for three full - <br />time people and two part -time positions. The three positions <br />are currently occupied by the Director, Mikki Dobski and Bill <br />Monahan. The other two positions are occupied by Mrs. Osthimer, <br />who prefers to work half -time, and Ms. Kimmins, who should be <br />covered by City CETA through June. The additional part of the <br />request is for monies to support the office. <br />We have submitted requests for additional Justice Department <br />money through the "Bayh Bill ", and additional HEW money through <br />the Title XX Act. If either request is funded, a corresponding <br />reduction in City Revenue Sharing funds could be made. <br />We have also spoken to representatives of the United Religous <br />Community's Juvenile Justice Task Force, the A.A.U.W., the Junior <br />League, the Concerned Women and the League of Women Voters, who <br />are willing to assist us in making initiatives to St. Joseph <br />County Government for more funding assistance. <br />