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l 11 <br />ORDINANCE NO. G 140-,7 <br />AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING THE SUM OF $6,945.21 FROM <br />ACCOUNT NO. 110.0 "SALARIES AND WAGES, REGULAR" TO <br />ACCOUNT NO. 722.0 "MOTOR EQUIPMENT ", BOTH ACCOUNTS <br />BEING WITHIN THE BUREAU OF CEMETERIES BUDGET IN THE <br />GENERAL FUND. <br />STATEMENT Of PURPOSE AND INTENT: <br />Certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption of <br />the existing budget for the Bureau of Cemeteries, so that it is now neces- <br />sary to transfer funds within its original budget. <br />This transfer of funds into certain accounts within the Bureau of <br />Cemeteries is needed to assure that department's ability to properly per- <br />form its functions; and funds exist in various accounts of the Bureau of <br />Cemeteries which are not presently needed. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />SECTION I. That the sum of $6,945.21 be transferred between various <br />accounts as set forth below: <br />REDUCE THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT: <br />ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT <br />110.0 Salaries, Wages, Regular $6,945.21 <br />INCREASE THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT: <br />ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT <br />722.0 Motor Equipment $6,945.21 <br />SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its passage by the Common Council and its approval by the Mayor. <br />2nd READIII G V'1 3­7 7 <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED 13-2,7 <br />Mem er ol the Common Council <br />I signed only to prolide an <br />op pert,,jr:. <br />CC ^. +1siori <br />Irene Gammon <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />