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4 <br />The.Bureau of Fire Prevention shall upon receiving notice <br />of such appeal, transfer to the Board a7.1 documents !con- <br />stituting the record upon which'the action' appealed was <br />taken. <br />e) Appeals to Circuit Court. Any owner or occupant of any <br />premises who feels himself aggrieved by any order or af- <br />firmed order of the Chief of the.Fire Department or the <br />Fire Board of Appeals,may within ten `(10).days after the <br />making or affirming of.any such order file his petition <br />with the Circuit Court of the County, praying a review of <br />such order, and it shall be the duty,of such court to hear <br />the same on the first convenient day and to make such order <br />in the premises as right and justice may require. <br />Sec. 9 -7. Bonfire, trash or rubbish fires prohibited except by permit; <br />approval of containers used. <br />(a) No person shall kindle or maintain any bonfire, trash or <br />rubbish fire or authorize any such fire to be kindled or <br />maintained on public or private- property without a permit <br />or other proper authorization from the South Bend Fire <br />(b) No bonfire, trash, rubbish or any other kind of fire or <br />burning that may be authorized under this .section or any <br />other section of the South Bend Municipal Code, shall be <br />allowed unless conducted in a manner permitted by the South <br />Bend Fire Prevention Bureau. <br />Sec. 9 -8. Violations. Violations of this Chapter, unless otherwise <br />provided, shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, <br />Section 1 -23 of the South Bend Municipal Code. <br />SECTION II. Severability. <br />If any provision, section, or part of any section of this ordi- <br />nance is declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declarations <br />shall not be construed to affect any of the other provisions, sections, <br />or part of sections herein, and the remainder of the ordinance shall <br />not thereby be invalidated. <br />SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />from and after its passage by the Common Council and approval by the <br />Mayor. <br />Passed, as amended, September 26, 1977. <br />-4- <br />Member of the Common Council <br />