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(b) Whenever a particular subject matter is not treated within <br />the context of these Rules and Regulations, then the NFC will be the ap- <br />plicable standard to be followed. If the subject matter is treated in both <br />Official Regulation.-No. 7. and the NFC, and they are in conflict, then the <br />Official Regulation No.- 7 shall be the applicable standard to be followed. <br />(c) Article IV, Section 3802, Official Regulation No. 7 is <br />amended by adding a new part as follows: <br />12. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this regulation, <br />the Chief of the South Bend Bureau of Fire, or his designate, <br />shall require that all buildings or structures open to public <br />use with either a floor or basement area, or both, exceeding <br />1500 square feet or which exceeds two 2 stories in height, <br />or both, be provided with an NFPA approved automatic fire ex- <br />sninQ system. <br />Sec. 9 -5. Adoption of Official Regulation No. 5 by reference. <br />(a) The Official Regulation No.. 5, 1973 Edition, as adopted and <br />promulgated by the Indiana State Fire Commission, together with any and al <br />reference thereto is made a part of this Chapter with the same force and <br />effect as though set out in full herein. At least two (2) copies of such <br />regulation with such amendments and supplements are on file and open for <br />the public inspection in the office of the Citv Clerk of South Bend. <br />(_b) Whenever a particular subject matter is not treated within <br />the context of these Rules and Regulations, then the NFC will be the ap- <br />plicable standard to be followed. If the subject matter is treated in bot <br />Official Regulation No. 5 and the NFC, and they are in conflict, then the <br />Official Regulation No. 7 shall be the applicable standard to be followed. <br />Sec. 9 -6. Board of Fire Appeals. There is hereby created a Board known <br />as THE BOARD OF FIRE APPEALS. <br />a) Fire Board of Ap <br />of Members. The <br />1 member of the <br />other members, al <br />of one (1) year. <br />b) Same - Meetings; <br />Quorum. The Fire <br />eals - Composition; Appointment and Term <br />Fire Board of Appeals shall consist of one <br />Bureau ot Fire Prevention and four (4) <br />of the Chairman, sh <br />and keep a record o <br />presence of three <br />stitute a quorum. <br />a term <br />tion of Rules and Procedure;. Records <br />rd of Appeals shall meet at the call <br />1 adopt its own rules of procedure, <br />its proceedings and its actions. The <br />members shall be necessary to con- <br />(c) Same - Modification of Provisions of Chapter; Compliance <br />with Decisions. The Fire Board of Appeals may modify any <br />of the provisions of this Chapter where there are practical <br />difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of <br />this Chapter, provided, that the spirit of this Chapter shall <br />be observed, public safety secured and substantial justice <br />done. The decision of the Fire Board of Appeals shall be com- <br />plied with within the time fixed in such order by the Board. <br />(d) . Same - Appeals. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department <br />shall have reviewed an order of the director or inspector of <br />the Bureau of Fire Prevention and filed his decision thereon, <br />and such decision requires alterations or additions to exist- <br />ing premises or buildings, an appeal from such decision of <br />the Chief of the Fire Department may be taken to the Fire <br />Board of Appeals. <br />The Fire Board of Appeals shall only hear appeals from <br />the ruling o t e Chief of the Fire Department which require <br />alter ions or additions to existing premises or buildings. <br />Such appeals shall be made within ten 0 days from the--U—ate <br />on which the Chief of the Fire Department has filed his de- <br />cision on the order a ore im. The appellant shall file <br />with the Bureau of Fire Prevention and with the Fire Board <br />of Appeals a written notice of appeal, specifying the grounds <br />thereof. <br />-3- <br />