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Elroy J. Kelzenberg, Director <br />Bureau of Employment <br />and Training <br />August 22, 1977 <br />CITY of SOUTH BEND <br />PETER I NEMETH, Mayor <br />COUNTY -CITY BUILDING SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 <br />TO: South Bend Common Council <br />FROM: Elroy J. Kelzenberg <br />Director - CETA <br />SUBJECT: Proposed CETA Title I Bud et for FY78 <br />I am submitting for your consideration and approval the proposed CETA <br />Title I, II and VI Budgets for Fiscal Year 1978 (10 -1 -77 - 9- 30 -78). <br />219/284 -9422 <br />You will also find several attachments intended to clarify the proposed <br />expenditures and allocations. As I have indicated in the past, we are <br />required to have a cost allocation plan for sharing administrative costs <br />among CETA Titles. I have prepared Attachment I to indicate estimated <br />expenditures for all CETA Titles. The dollar figures for Titles I, II <br />and VI, are fairly accurate. Those for Title III are the result of an <br />educated guess. Obviously, if there is a significant shift in any Title <br />as a result of either Department of Labor Allocations or Congressional <br />action, allocations must change. <br />Attachment II is probably the best indication of total Bureau Administration <br />and Service Costs. The totals for each major cost category on this attach- <br />ment are allocated to Title I (27.5%), Title II (11 %) and Title VI (43 %). <br />Although indivdual budgets may show significant variations from year to <br />year, this attachment reflects only modest increases. The major changes <br />in salary line items reflect the addition of staff necessary to carry out <br />the expanded Public Service Employment Program. <br />The only items in the Title I Budget which are not reflected in detail <br />on Attachment I are those relating to Participant Wages, stipends, and <br />other contractual costs connected with training and employment services. <br />The CETA Advisory Council has considered several options with respect to <br />the funding of activities and services and has recommended the dollar <br />figures contained in this budget. We were forced to reduce service levels <br />substantially in view of a reduced allocation. <br />