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REGULAR MEETING <br />RESOLUTION <br />NOVEMBER 22ND, 1954 <br />�sti:� YJO <br />WHEREAS, the legal notice published in a newspaper of general circulation, as required by law, does not have <br />the desired result of notifying property owners in whose immediate vicinity a parcel of land is the <br />subject of a petition to rezone, and. <br />WHEREAS, property owners in said vicinity are in a better position, because of their relatively long residence <br />and more detailed knowledge of the peculiar aspects of the subject property, to inform the Common <br />Council and the Planning Commission with relevant facts concerning said rezoning, at a Public Hearing, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that any individual, firm, or corporation i or authorized agent of an individual, <br />firm, or corporation, shall be required to file the names and addresses of property owners adjacent to <br />the pubject property, and the name and address of property owner directly across the street therefrom, <br />to a distance of 00 feet in both directions, at the time of filing the petition and ordinance to rezone; <br />and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall reject any and all petitions not in compliance with the terms <br />of this.Resolution. <br />(Signed) WALTER C. ERLER SR. <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Councilman Korpal made a motion that the resolution be referred to the Miscellaneous Committee, namely, <br />Councilmen'Hahn, Bestle and Muszynski, for further study. Councilman Niezgodski seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS: God in His infinite wisdom has called from this life Mrs. Eunice Morehouse, the wife of Mr. Ralph <br />Morehouse, the wife of Mr. Ralph Morehouse, Resident Engineer in charge of building the Sewage Disposal <br />Plant in the City of South Bend, and <br />WHEREAS: Her death has brought grief and sorrow to her husband, Mr. Ralph Morehouse and their family, <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED <br />M <br />That we, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, do extend to Mr. Ralph Morehouse and his family <br />our sincere sympathy in this, their deepest hour of sorrow and that a copy of this resolution duly <br />certified by the Clerk be sent to the bereaved. <br />WALTER C. ERLER SR. W. A. HAHN <br />CHESTER MUSZYNSKI CLOYD BESTLE <br />WALTER G. GLASS STANLEY C. KORPAL <br />CLEM NIEZGODSKI MICHAEL R. PINTER <br />Councilman Muszynski made a motion for the adoption of the resolution. Councilman Rahn seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />TO PLAN COMMISSION_ <br />COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING LACK JOINT TUBE COMPANY REZONING. <br />Concerning proposal regarding Lock Joint Tube Company Petition to rezone, it is the considered opinion of the <br />Common Council of South Bend, Indiana, that the Lock Joint Tube ComparW's petition to rezone a 19 acre tract of <br />land on Riverside Drive is not, as described in the petition, to the best interest of the immediate neighborhood. <br />The petition as now defined creates no buffer strip between the 19 acre parcel and the residential development <br />to the north, nor does it allow for the future extension of either Queen Street or Sherman Avenue, nor does it <br />sufficiently protect Riverside Drive from a too close encroachment by industrial structures. <br />It is, therefore, recommended that the centerline of the east -west alley between Kinyon and Queen Streets be <br />projected eastward to Riverside Drive. This assures sufficient and adequte area for the future residential <br />development north of this line when, and if, Kinyon Street is projected eastward to Riverside Drive. In <br />addition, it stops the industrial rezoning area at what would be the rear lot line of any future residential <br />development along Kinyon Street, and not at the street where homes would be facing instead of backing on an <br />industrial site. <br />By stopping the rezoning district at the east line of Sherman Avenue, projected South, and the South line of <br />Queen Street, projected et, there is complete assurance against structures being located within the projected <br />right -of -way of either of these streets. <br />By breaking the zoning district approximately 100 feet to the west of and parallel to the west right -of -way <br />line of Riverside Drive, there is assurance that structures will have a sufficient setback from Riverside Drive. <br />This setback would provide sufficient wideth for the provision and continuation of shrubs and trees as a buffer. <br />The Council suggests that the Lock Joint Tube Company submit a sketch of the general proposal for building and <br />landsepping•� <br />Y (Signed) WALTER C. ERLER SR., President <br />Councilman Hahn made a motion that the Council Recommendations regarding Lock Joint Tube Company rezoning be <br />sent to the Plan Commission. Councilman Glass seconded the motion. Motion carried - Unanimously. <br />