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SPECIAL MEETING <br />AUGUST 30TH, 1954 <br />The within call came to hand this 25th day of August, 1954, vhich I served by reading the same to each <br />Councilmen, upon the date designated as follows: <br />WALTER G. GLASS <br />MICHAEL R. PINTER <br />CHESTER MUSZYNSKI <br />CLEM NIEZGODSKI <br />STANLEY Co KORPAL <br />W. As HAHN <br />714 - 23rd, So. Bend 8 -26 -54 <br />736 We Indiana 8 -26 -54 <br />20101 Western <br />1312 Fassnacht <br />2722 Bonds Ave. <br />128 N. Eddy St. - <br />and by leaving a certified copy thereof at the last and usual place of residence of such members as I.was <br />unable to find, as follows s <br />MRS. WALTER C. ERLER 310 E. Indiana Ave* 8 -26 -54 <br />LLOYD BESTLE 910 No Brookfield <br />RICHARD J. GILLED <br />Chief of Police <br />Councilman Muszynski moved that the Special Call be accepted and placed on file* Councilman Hahn seconded the <br />motion* Motion carried* <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE 71 TOLE <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bends <br />August 30th, 1954 <br />Your Committee of the thole to whom was referred "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING <br />THE EXPENSES OF ALL; BUDGET- OPERATED DEPARTMENTS OF THE CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE, FISCAL YEAR <br />BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19550 AND ENDING DECEMBER 319 1955, INCLUDING MEPARTMENTS, FUNDS AND COMMISSION FOR WHICH <br />MONEY IS APPROPRIATED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FROM FUNDS OTHER THAN THE GENERAL FUNDS OF SAID CITY, TO -WITS <br />STREET, TRAFFIC AND PARK DEPARTMENTS, FIREMEN'S PENSION AND POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUNDS, AND THE CITY PLAN <br />COMMISSION: PROVIDING THAT SUCH APPROPRIATIONS SHALL INCLUDE ALL OUTSTANDING CLAIMS AND OBLIGATIONS: FIXING <br />THE SALARIES OF ALL CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT <br />HEREWITH; PROVIDDING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT*" <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the :natter and that in their opinion this ordinance go to the <br />Council favorable as amended as followss Office of 'City Attorney, G-261, Abstracting, be amended by striking <br />out $650 *00 and inserting $150 *00, Grand Total by striking out $12,521 *00 and inserting $12,021 *00; Fire Depart- <br />ment, Salary of Assistant Mechanic (typographical error) be corrected by striking out $4484.00 and inserting <br />$4848 *00; 1955 City Election Budget, Services Personal 11, Election Judges (typographical error) be corrected <br />by striking out $4492 *08 and inserting $4942 *08; Street Department, $ &261, Replace Railing- Lincolnway .East, be <br />amended by striking out $10,000*OO and inserting $7500 *00* <br />Councilman Korpal moved that the report be acoepted* <br />REPORT OF THE : COMMITTEE OF THE YMOLE <br />To the 'Common Council of the City of South Bends <br />WM. As HAHN, Chairman <br />Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion* Motion carried* <br />August 30th, 1954 <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1955 FOR THE <br />MUNICIPAL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA *t" <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion this ordinance go to the <br />Council favorable, as amended as follows; General Fund under Maintenance by striking out 1.33 and inserting <br />1151; Firemen's Pension Fund under Maintenance by striking out .11 and inserting *094; Police Pension Fund <br />under Maintenance by striking out *079 and inserting *078; under Total Maintenance by striking out 1 *718 and <br />inserting 1 *681, and under Total by striking out 1 *96 and inserting 1*923* <br />WM. A. HAHN, Cbmizman <br />Councilman Glass moved that the report be accepted. Councilman Niezgodski seconded the motion. Motion carried* <br />Councilman Hahn moved that the ordinance be amended as follows; Office of City Attomey, G -261, Abstracting, <br />be amended by striking out '$650 *00 and inserting $150.00, Grand Total by striking out $12,521900 and inserting <br />$12,021900; Fire Department, Salary of Assistant Mechanic (typographical error) be corrected by striking out <br />$4484 *00 and inserting $4848 *00; 1955 City Election Budget, Service Personal 11, Election Judges ( typograThical <br />error) by striking out $4492 *08 and inserting $4942.08; Street Department, 5 -261, Replace Railing- Lincolnway <br />East, be amended by striking out $10,000.00 and inserting $7500.00* Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion* <br />Motion carried by roll call vote of 8 ayes (Councilmen Erler, Korpal, Pinter, Bestle, Niezgodski, Glass, Hahn <br />and Muszynski) - 0 nays. <br />ORDINANCE NO* 4002 (AS AMENDED) <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br />DEFRAYING THE EXPENSES OF ALL BUDGET - OPERATED 'DEPARTMENTS <br />OF THE CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE FISCAL <br />YEAR "BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19559 AND ENDING DECEMBER 319 <br />1955, INCLUDING DEPARTMENTS, FUNDS AND COMMISSIONS FOR <br />WHICH MONEY IS APPROPRIATED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FROM <br />FUNDS OTHER THAN THE GERRAL FUNDS, OF SAID CITY, TO -WITS <br />STREET, TRAFFIC AND PARK DEPARTMENTS, FIREMEN'S PENSION <br />AND POLIDEMEN'S PENSION FUNDS, AND THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION: <br />PROVIDING MUT SUCH APPROPRIATIONS SHALL INCLUDE ALL OUT - <br />STANDING CLAIMS AND OBLIGATIONS: - FIXING THE SAIJa=809F <br />ALL CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES <br />AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE'NITH: PROVIDING <br />A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT* <br />The ordinance on the 1955 budget as amended was given third reading and passed by a roll call vote of <br />8 ayes (Councilmen Erler, Korpal, Pinter, Bestle, Niezgodski, Glass, Hahn and Muszynski)• 0 nays. <br />