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751 <br />�I REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 8TH, 1951 <br />PETITION <br />To the Common Council of South Bend <br />Gentlemen: <br />We whose signatures appear on the attached notarized list, owners of the entire 2600 block North side of Lincoln <br />Way West, otherwise knowh as lots 79 8, 9 & 10 Kensington Addition and lot No. 37 Kaley's second addition hereby <br />petition your body to rezone above described property from "B" residence district and "A" height to "C" commercial) <br />and "D" height and area. <br />Respectfully, <br />Roy E. Bullard <br />Councilman Bestle made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman Korpal <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF CITY PLAN COMMISSION <br />To the Common Council <br />City of South Bend, Indiana <br />Gentlemen: <br />Petition of Morris B. Hoffman and Reuben Hoffman for change of zoning of Lot #20 in Sommerer's Addition has been <br />given public hearing by The City Plan Commission. The accompanying written remonstrance was filed by property <br />owners in the vicinity. <br />This change is not recommended. <br />Yours truly, <br />D. Moomaw, Secretary <br />Councilman Erle r made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Glass seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWL OF PETITION <br />TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />Petitioners, MORRIS B. HOFFMAN and REUBEN HOFFMAN, by their attorneys, Voor, Jackson, Grant & McMichael, having <br />heretofore, on the 20th day of July, 1951, filed a petition and form of ordinance for the rezoning of the followi <br />described property, to-wit: <br />Lot Numbered 20 as shown on the recorded Plat of Sommers <br />Addition to the City of South Bend, <br />,from B Residen'qe and A Height and Area District to C Commercial and E Height and Area District, now request that <br />said petition be withdrawn from further consideration by the Common Council of the City of South Bend. <br />Petitioners further state that they are the owners of the above- described property and that they are the <br />petitioners in the above - described petition. <br />WHEREFORE, petitioners respectfully request that their petition to amend Ordinance No. 3702 be withdrawn from <br />further consideration by the Common Council of the City of South Bend and without prejudice to petitioners. <br />MORRIS.B. HOFFMAN and REUBEN HOFFMAN, Petitioners <br />By Voor, Jackson, Grant & McMichael, <br />Attorneys for Petitioners <br />Guy H. McMichael <br />Councilman Erler made a motion that the petition be withdrawn, as requested by the petitioners. Councilman <br />Kemper seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION <br />GKTERAL PULASKI'S MEMORIAL DAY <br />THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1951 <br />WHEREAS, October 11, 1951, marks the one hundred and seventy second anniversary of the death of Count Casimir <br />Pulaski, a Polish patriot who attained the rank of Brigadier General in the Continental Army and laid down his <br />life while fighting on American soil for the independence of our Nation; and <br />WHEREAS, the passage of the years since General Pulaski's death has not dimmed the glory of his sacrifice or the <br />luster of his fame; and <br />WHEREAS, his selfless devotion to the cause of freedom stands today as a challenge to all men to work for freedom <br />in all nations; <br />NOW THEREFORE, Hon. George A. Schoek, Mayor of City of South Bend, Indiana, is hereby authorized to issue a <br />proclamation to the Citizens of City of South Bend, Indiana, to invite all the -people of City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, to observe Thursday, October 11, 1951, as General Pulaski's Memorial Day with ceremonies commemorative <br />of his valorous contribution to the cause of freedom, and the Mayor if directed in his proclamation that the <br />flag of the United States be displayed on all Government buildings of City of South Bend, Indiana that day, in <br />tribute to the memory of General Casimir Pulaski. <br />(Signed) CLEM NIEZGODSKI <br />to STANLEY C. KORPAL <br />it CHESTER E. MUSZYNSKI <br />Members of the Common Uouncil <br />Councilman Muszynski made a motion for the adoption of the Resolution. Councilman Korpal seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />