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REGULAR MEETING <br />DECEMBER 9th, 1946 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in regular session, <br />in the Council Chambers, City Hall, December 9th, 1946, at 9 :15 P.M., with all members present except <br />Councilman Hull. President Korpal presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was <br />waived. <br />COMMUNICATION <br />Mr. Stanley C. Korpal, South bend, Indiana. <br />President of South Bend City Council, December 6, 1946. <br />City Hall, <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />AN APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTH BEDTD, INDIANA. <br />Once again a woman was criminally attacked and severely beaten last evening in the City of South Bend, before <br />that a girl walking home from the business district; to say nothing of the numerous similar cases published <br />in the South Bend Tribune. No doubt there are many not published. <br />It seems as if the time has come when Women are not safe on the City streets. Perhaps if the punishment <br />for such offenders was more severe it would discourage such activities. <br />We are asking you to heed our appeal for ridding the city streets of these menaces to the health and welfare <br />of the Women and Girls of South Bend. <br />Respectfully, <br />(29 Signers) <br />Councilman Brannan made a motion that the communication be placed on file. Councilman Bishop seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />Honorable Common Council, <br />City of South Bend. <br />We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to change the zoning of the following <br />areas from the present zoning to "B" residential and "A" Height and area: <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of Magnolia Street and Indiana Avenue; thence west to Nash Street; thence <br />south One Hundred Thirty (130)feet; thence east to Magnolia Street; thence north to the place of beginning; <br />Also, beginning at the northwest corner of lot 82 in Walnut Second Addition to the City of South fiend; thence <br />?Test to Grant Street; thence South One Hundred-Thirty (130) feet; thence east to the southwest corner of said <br />lot 82; thence north to the place of beginning; <br />Also, beginning at the northeast corner of Nash Street and Indiana Avenue, thence east to Lot 309 Oliver's <br />Second Addition (revised plat), thence north to the northwest corner of said lot; thence west to Nash Street; <br />thence south to the place of beginning; <br />Also, beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 334 in said Oliver's Second Addition (revised plat); thence <br />north to the northwest corner of said'Lot 334; thence west to Grant Street; thence south to Indiana Avenue; <br />thence west to the place of beginning. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />(13 Signers) <br />Councilman Bishop made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman McCarthy <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />Honorable Common Council, <br />City of South Bend <br />December 6, 1946. <br />'1fe, the undersigned property owners, petition your Honorable Body to change the zoning of the lots on the <br />northwesterly side of Prairie Avenue from Nash Street to Jackson Street, except Lot number One in Walnut <br />4th Addition, from the present zoning to "B" Residential and "1!" Height and area. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />(4 Signers) <br />Councilman Bishop made a motion that the Petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman McCarthy, <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />TO; CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />CITY COUNCIL OF LODUH BEND, INDIANA. <br />PETITION TO Ad = ZONING 0'RDIP.APdACE TO C�iANGE LOTS NUMBERE-D SIX (6) AND SEVEN (7) IN HOLLOWELL <br />AND SMITH'S SUBDIVISION, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FROM "C" COMMEPCI.PL TO "D" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. <br />Abraham Finkelstein, being first duly sworn upon his oath deposes and states: <br />1. That heretofore, to -wit, on the 16th day of November, 1946, he entered into an option agreement <br />to purchase the following described real estate from Knowles B. Smith and Henrietta E. Smith: <br />Lots Numbered six (6) and seven (7) in Hollowell and Smith's Subdivision of Large Lot or Block <br />Number Seven (7) in Kunstman and Meyer's Addition to the City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, <br />State of Indiana. <br />2. Petitioner and optionee respectfully requests that the City Planning Commission approve, and that the City <br />Council emend the zoning ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as same is applicable to the above descri <br />real estate in the following manner: That said Lots be changed in zoning from "C" Commercial to "D" light <br />industrial. <br />3. It is the intent and purpose of optionee to erect on said real = -- estate, as soon as materials are available, a <br />one story building to be used for the manufacture of work clothes. <br />4. This petition is filed with the full knowledge and consent of Knowles B. Smith and Henrietta E. Smith, owners <br />of the fee simple of said real estate, and owners of one hundred (100f) per cent of the frontage of said real <br />estate for which a change in zoning is herein requested. <br />Signed, ABRAHAM FINKELSTEIN <br />Councilman Brannan made a motion that the Petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman Bishop <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />