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<br />I I REGULAR MEETING JULY 8th, 1946
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of "South "Bend, Indiana, met in regular session
<br />in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on Monday, July 8th, 1946, at 7.40 P.M., with all members present.
<br />The reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting was waived. President uorpal presided.
<br />A communication was read from Crumpacker, May, Carlisle and Beamer, dated July 3rd, 1946, stating
<br />they had forwarded copies of our letter of July 2nd; concerning the repair of grade crossings within
<br />the City to the Grand Trunk and to the Pennsylvania, the two roads that they represent.
<br />Councilman Bishop made a motion that this communication be accepted and placed on file. Councilman
<br />Mirocha seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />A copy of a letter sent by -T. A. Hynes, Viee- president of the New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois RR Co., to
<br />E. L. Hickman, Asst. Supt., dated July 3rd, 1946, was read, concerning the repair of grade crossing
<br />within the City of South Bend.
<br />Councilman Bishop made a motion that this communication be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Mirocha
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />-To The Common Council,-
<br />The City of South Bend, Indiana.
<br />June 22, 1946
<br />The undersigned, Northzrn Indiana Transit, Inc., is the ov-mer of certain lands in the City of South Fend,
<br />fronting on the St. Joseph River and extending from Twyckenham Drive Easterly fora distance of approxi-
<br />mately 1800 feet. A map is attached hereto showing the location of this property, together with a con-
<br />tour map showing that the greater portion of the property is only a few feet above the level of the
<br />St. Joseph River. The property is directly across the river from Payland Park.
<br />The attention of the Common C "uncil is called to the fact that the property lying North of and adjacent
<br />to said tract and East of Grrenlawn Avenue Aas been zoned light industrial for many years, while property
<br />covered by this petition is zoned as Residential. The property covered by this petition is only a few feet
<br />above the level of the St. Joseph River and is not suitable for residential purposes, as it would be
<br />Impracticable to excavate for any basement and it would be impossible to connect with any existing sewers.
<br />There have been several opportunities to make use of this property for the purpose of establishing light
<br />industrial plants, but it has been impossible to do..so because it is zoned for residential purposes only.
<br />There is a scarcity of available sites in South Bend for the establishment of light industries which
<br />are essential for tine growth of the City.
<br />Attention dT the Common Council is also called to the fact that property farther Test fronting on the
<br />River near the Sample Street bridge is zoned as light industrial..
<br />Your petitioner, therefore respectfully petitions that the zoning of the property in question bq changed
<br />from Residential to Light Industrial.
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />BY R. R. SMITH, President.
<br />Councilman Brannan made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman
<br />Bishop seconed the motion. Motion.carried.
<br />Members of the Common Council, July 5, 1946
<br />City Hall,
<br />South Bend, ,Indiana.
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />The petition referred to the Board of Works by your Honorable Body asking for street lights at the
<br />Railroad Crossing on Huron Street from Harris Street to Kosciuszko Street has been referred to Mr.
<br />Qualls for investigation and report.
<br />The communication relative to the iron stumps on Miami Stree=t was refrred to the City Engineer, who
<br />submitted the following report: "I made a trip of inspection with the Street Commissioner and we
<br />decided to get someone to give us the e xaxt locations of the most troublesome stumps, for the manpower
<br />shortage prohibits assigning a man or two to the job of finding these stumps."
<br />We suggest, therefore, that Councilman Heideman and the other Councilman who have been receiving
<br />complaints, get the location of t he'stumps and give the information to the Board. We can then send men
<br />directly to the spot to remove them.
<br />Very truly yours,
<br />James B. C onboy , Clerk.
<br />Councilman Heideman made a motion that the report be accepted. Councilman Mirocha seconded the motion.
<br />Motion carried.
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