<br />Section 2. raid Housing Authority shall not expend any funds for said temporary housing provided for
<br />herein, except funds to be furnished and in the manner provided for under said Joint Resolution ivlo. 122..
<br />Section 3. The temporary housing shall not exceed 500 units.
<br />J�. A. BISiOP
<br />Member of the Common Council
<br />Councilman Hull 4iade a motion to adopt the resolution. Councilman Brannan seconded the motion.
<br />Councilman Brannan withdrew his second. Motion failed for want of a second.
<br />Councilman Neizgodski made a motion to refer the Resolution to the office of the City Attorney and
<br />that he make a report as soon as possible, and that the i�layor call a Special Meeting of the Council,
<br />if the report indicates that such a meeting is necessary. Councilman Hull seconded the motion.
<br />Hotion carried.
<br />RT•'.finT.TTTTOM
<br />WHEREAS, there exists an extreme shortage of housing accommodations throughout the Illation which will
<br />be intensified and aggravated as additional numbers of our veterans return to civilian life; and
<br />111 E'REAS, the init.ensity of the task requires the joint cooperation and assistance of all private and
<br />public agencies, local, state and national.
<br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF -al L, CITY OF SOUTH BEND, IITI)IANA, in view of this serious housing
<br />shortage now existing, it is hereby determined that the Housing Projects located in the City of South
<br />Bend; Indiana, known as the Southmore Heights, Beacon Heights, Prairie Homes and B.G.Smith Homes,
<br />which projects were constructed by the Federal Government under the provisions of the Lanham Act in order
<br />to provide housing for persons engaged in national defense activities.
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, said projects should remain in the status quo for a period of not less
<br />than two years and to end at the discretion of the Common Council, but not earlier than December 31,
<br />1547, for the purpose of providing housing for families of veterans, and returning veterans in the
<br />manner provided by law, and
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Congress should be urged to enact legislation authorizing such use of said
<br />Housing Projects. JOHN J. 14IROCHA
<br />7em _ o mmo o c
<br />Councilman Bishop made a motion that this Resolution be held over e same as the first. Councilman
<br />Korpal seconded the motion. I.�lotion carried.
<br />R .SnT.TTTT()N
<br />1- MiEREAS, there exists an extreme shortage of housing accommodations throughout the Nation which will be
<br />intensified and aggravated as additional numbers of our veterans return to civilian life; and
<br />"diE1tEAS, it is imperative that prompt action be taken by the national Government to stop the spread of
<br />urban and rural blight, eliminate the slums and provide decent homes for all our citizens; and
<br />4'uliF1?rAS:, the; immensity of the task requires the joint cooperation and assistance of all private
<br />and public agencies, local, state, and national; and
<br />"11EREAS, the Wagner- Ellender -Taft General Housing Bill, recently introduced in the Congrbss,, provides
<br />for a unified national housing agency and a coordinated national attack on the housing problem through
<br />adequate research, active local planning, a liberal home loan plan, the construction of homes for low,
<br />medium, and high income-families and authorizes assistance to localities for public and private slum
<br />clearance projects; Now, therefore,
<br />Section 1. The City of South Bend hereby endorses and supports the Wagner- Ellender -Taft General housing
<br />Bill and urges its prompt enactment by the Congress.
<br />Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to send copies of this resolution to the members of the house
<br />of Representatives and the Senate of the United States, to the chairman of the appropriate Senate and
<br />House Committees, Senators u'dagner, Ellender, Taft and President Truman, and to Congressman Robert Grant.
<br />Member of the Common Council
<br />Councilman Niezgodski, made a motion that the Resolution be adopted. Councilman ;lull seconded the
<br />motion. Motion carried.
<br />There being no further business, Council adjourned at 8:35 P.14.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />CLERK
<br />��. J /
<br />N
<br />