Be it remembered that the members of the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in special session
<br />Wednesday, August 13, 1941, in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Councilman McCarthy was absent and Councilman
<br />Pulaski reported late. Councilman Richardson (President) presided. The meeting convened at 7:45 P.M.
<br />We, the undersigned, being all the members of the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, do hereby wai
<br />notice of the time of holding a special meeting of said Council and do hereby consent to the holding of a special
<br />meeting thereof in the Chambers of the Common Council on the 13th day of August, 1941 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. for the
<br />purpose of receiving the budget ordinances and the report of the Finance Committee of said City and to take appro-
<br />priate action thereon.
<br />In Witness Whereof we have hereto subscribed ourselves this 12th day of August, 1941.
<br />Dated this 12th day of August, 1941 at 10:30 P.M.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />William F. Pulaski
<br />George H. Heideman
<br />Win. J. Richardson
<br />Leo M. Jordan
<br />Geo. F. Hull
<br />Clem Niezgodski
<br />Walter A. Bishop
<br />Melton 0. Brannan
<br />J. M. McCarthy
<br />Marie H. Nelson, City Clerk
<br />The within call came to hand this 13th day of August, A.D., 1941, which I served by reading the same to each
<br />Councilman, upon the Date Designated, as follows:
<br />W. Bishop On August 13, 1941, 1:55 P.M.
<br />Geo. F. Hull " is ft $1 3tob P.M.
<br />And by leaving a certified copy thereof at the last and usual place of residence of such members as I was unable
<br />to find as follows:
<br />Wm. J. Richardson On August 13, 1941, 1:30 P.M.
<br />Mrs. J.M.McCarthy
<br />r'
<br />"
<br />"
<br />"
<br />1:35 P.M.
<br />Mrs. Melton O.Brannan 11
<br />"
<br />".
<br />"`
<br />1:50 P.M.
<br />Mrs. S. Pulaski
<br />to
<br />"
<br />"
<br />"
<br />2:40 P.M.
<br />Robt. Niezgodski
<br />It
<br />it
<br />"
<br />It
<br />3:35 P.M.
<br />Mrs.G.H.Heideman
<br />"`
<br />"'
<br />It
<br />"`
<br />4:20 P.M.
<br />Mrs, Leo Jordan
<br />It
<br />"
<br />to
<br />"
<br />4:24 P.M.
<br />(Officer) BURNS
<br />A meeting of the Finance Committee of the City of South Bend was held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, at
<br />7:30 o'clock P.M. on August 12, 1941.
<br />The purpose of the meeting was to consider the 1942 budget which had been referred to this committee by the Common'
<br />Council on Monday l.August 11th, 1941. The meeting was presided over by Mayor Jesse I. Pavey, as President of the
<br />Committee, and all members were present. The following persons were heard in connection with the salaries of the
<br />Police Department, Fire Department and Electric Department: Attorney John Pfaff, Attorney Vitus Jones, Attorney
<br />Joseph Wypzynski, Attorney C. P. DuComb, as well-as the following members of the various departments: Steve Guzicki
<br />Anthony Miller, Frank Logan, Mr. Rowe and Elmer Sokel.
<br />Mr. Donald Gates,'as representative of the South Bend Civic Planning Aasociation, also spoke on the salaries to
<br />members of the Police, Fire and Electric Department. Mr. Anthony Kuharic appeared as a representative of Judge
<br />George Schoek concerning the recommendations included in the budget for the operation of the City Court for the
<br />year 1942,
<br />Mrs. Marie Nelson and Paul N/Fges spoke on the proposed budget for the office of City Clerk.
<br />There being no further or other persons expressing a desire to be heard, the regular meeting was then dismissed
<br />and the members with all department heads gave consideration to the entire budget.
<br />In the budget fbr the office of City Clerk, salary for the additional 3eputy City Clerk was increased from Fou rte
<br />Hundred Eight ($1408.00) Dollars, as it appeared in the report of the City Controller, to Fourteen Hundred Sevent
<br />two ($1472.00) Dollars. The decision to grant this increase was unanimous. In the budget for the office of the
<br />City Judge, the salary of the Probation Officer was increased from Eighteen Hundred Seventy -seven Dollars and
<br />Thirty -two ($1877.32) Cents, the ar_ount proposed in the City Controller's Report to Two Thousand ($2,.000.00) Doll
<br />In the same budget the salary of the Bailiff was raised from Seventeen Hundred One Dollars and Thirty -two 017010
<br />Cents, the amount in the City Controller's report, to Eighteen Hundred ($1800.00) Dollars. The above two actions
<br />also were unanimous and were recommended by the Mayor.
<br />In the budget of the office of the Board of Public Works and Safety, the salaries of the two Custodians were rais
<br />from the Twenty -five Hundred and Sixty ($2560.00) Dollars, as shown in the City Controller's Report to Twenty -Eig
<br />Fmndred and Sixteen (2816.00) Dollars. The action here was voted against by Mr. Jordan, Mr. Heideman and Mr.
<br />Pulaski, but was recommended by the Mayor.
<br />In the budget for the Police, Fire and Electric Department, the members were in accordance with all items excepti
<br />that of salaries. The Mayor expressed himself as being in favor of a horizontal increase in the departments of
<br />ten (10) per cent, inasmuch as that same increase had been applied to practically every other department of the
<br />City. A five (5) per cent increase was finally agreed upon, the vote being eight members for the increase, and
<br />the ninth member, Mr. Richardson, not voting. The action was proposed by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Brannon.
<br />The amount as voted by members of the Finance Committee was recommended by the Mayor.
<br />Dr. Carter appeared to explain the budget of the Boardof Health, which was passed in its entirety as recommended
<br />by the Mayor.
<br />Mr. Paul Hayes and Mr. Earl G:stin appeared to explain the budget of the Park City and the members were all in
<br />accordance with the Mayor's recommendations with the exception of the items of salaries of the Superintendent,
<br />Assistant Superintendent and the Clerk. The salary of the Superintendent was raised from Thirty -Three Hundred
<br />($3300.00) Dollars, as appeared in the City Controller's report, to Thirty -Six Hundred ($3600.00) Dollars. The
<br />Salary of the Assistant Superintendent was raised from Twenty -Two Hundred and Five ($2205.00) Dollars as appered
<br />in the City Controller's report, to Twenty -Four 02400.00) Dollars. The Twenty -Four Hundred ($2400.06) Dollars a
<br />