<br />Conditions are so favorable for us due to the fine cooperation of our financial institutions and the Federal Housin
<br />Administration. Every newhome privately built makes a rental possible.
<br />Thanking you graciously for your time, we remain,
<br />Yours truly,
<br />By Irwin L. Finch
<br />Chairman of Committee
<br />March 5, 1941
<br />To the Honorable Common Council:
<br />Statistics from your City Building Department show that when the city is increasing in population and there is a
<br />demand for more homes, they have always been supplied. In the decade from the beginning of 1920 to the beginning
<br />of 1930, when the United States census statistics show that our city increased in-population over 33,000, there we
<br />10,000 homes built. During the past decade, there was no increase in population and there were comparatively few
<br />houses built.
<br />Now that there is more activity in our midst and there seems to be a demand for more houses, your Building Depart-
<br />ment statistics show that there had been 6 -1/2 times as many permits issued during the first two months of this
<br />year compared to the first two months of last year. This increase of building inside the city limits also is true
<br />outside the city limits in the territory surrounding the city.
<br />We also observe that the number of relief and W.P.-A. families is decreasing rapidly. As new homes are built, many
<br />of these will be occupied by families now renting, which will make more houses available for renting.
<br />We believe that having part of our houses built with public funds and substantially tax free will cause discontent
<br />among property.'owners; who have strived to pay for their homes; and that this discontent will discourage free enter-
<br />prise;_ and that under such a plan there will be less houses built over a period of years.
<br />We believe that the appointment of a housing authority should be deferred until there is a survey made to show the
<br />actual need'of an authority. We believe that the taxpayers are generally opposed to a housing authority.
<br />Very truly yours,
<br />T. J. Lerner, Secretary
<br />March 5, 1941
<br />To the Honorable. Common Council:
<br />The Savings and Loan Associations of South Bend and vicinity are intensely interested in the welfare of our city
<br />and locality and recognize our communityts responsibility toward the financing of homes. We are willing and anxioui
<br />to do everything possible to meet the housing emergency. The builders, building mechanics, and material men have
<br />suffered immensely in the last twelve years because of lack of employment, and are not only willing but anxious to
<br />build the houses needed for the present emergency.
<br />At the present timer, the Savings and Loan Associations have at their disposal two and one -half million ($2,500,000.00}
<br />dollars available for the construction of new homes and can secure more, if necessary, to meet the demands. IIII
<br />There are many homes, small and large, that need reconditioning; many large homes will be divided into apartments.
<br />Many sections of the older part of our city in good locations have deteriorated and we propose to use our influence
<br />and assistance in revamping such buildings and localities. Some shacks and buildings should be demolished.
<br />We are further advised that the several banks and other financial insitutions and many individual,; are of one accorc
<br />in this desire and are most anxious to cooperate in the building and maintenance of our community.
<br />No objections being voiced, the communications were placed on file.
<br />After considerable discussion, Councilman-Brannan made a motion that the Resolution be presented to the Council for
<br />consideration. Councilman Niezgodski seconded the motion. (Resolution read by Clerk. See below)
<br />Councilman Niezgodski made a motion that the Resolution be adopted. Councilman Brannan seconded the motion. Motioi
<br />carried by a vote of 6 ayes (Richardson, Brannan, Jordan, Niezgodski, McCarthy and Pulaski) - 3 nays (Hull, Bishop
<br />and Heideman).
<br />Be it resolved by the Common Council of the city of South Bend, Indiana, that the said Common Council of said City
<br />hereby determines, finds and declares, in pursuance of the "Housing Authorities Act' of the state of Indiana, thats
<br />1. Insanitary and unsafe inhabited dwelling accommodations exist in the city of South Bend, Indiana.
<br />29 There is a shortage of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations in the city of South Bend, Indiana, available
<br />to families of low income at rentals they can afford; and,
<br />3. There is need for a Housing Authority in the city of South Bend, Indiana,
<br />Be it further resolved that this resolution shall be effective immediately from and after its passage by the Common
<br />Council of the city of South Bend and its approval by the Mayor.
<br />There being no further business, Council adjourned at 9:32 P.M.
<br />ATTEST
<br />CLERK
<br />