Be it remembered that the members of the Common Council met in special session, Wednesday, March 50 1941, at 7:30
<br />P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, with all members present. President Richardson presided.
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />March 3, 1941
<br />We, the undersigned members of the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, hereby call a special meeting
<br />of the Council to convene on the 5th day of March, 1941, at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of considering the "RESOLUTIO
<br />William F. Pulaski
<br />Melton 0. Brannan
<br />George H. Heideman
<br />Clem Niezgodski
<br />Wm. J. Richardson
<br />Dated this of March, 1941.
<br />I, Marie Nelson, Clerk of the City of South Bend, Indiana, do hereby certify that copy of the above notice was serv-
<br />ed upon the President and each member of the Common Council of said City prior to the date set for the meeting.
<br />City Clerk
<br />The within call came to hand this 3 day of March, A.D., 1941, which I served by reading the same to each councilman,)
<br />upon the date designated, as follows:
<br />CLEM NIEZGODSKI On March 1941
<br />RM. J. RICHARDSON 'i of 3rd 't
<br />MELTON O. Bi2ANNAN et tt to It
<br />&E0 M. JORDAN tt to tt +t
<br />and by leaving.a certified copy thereof at the last and usual place. of residence of such members as I was unable to
<br />find as follows:
<br />GEORGE H. HEIDEMAN On March 3rd 1941
<br />W. F. PULASKI to to » to
<br />JOHN MC CATHY It to it to
<br />WALTER A. BISHOP t' to to tt
<br />BRYAN J. ROE #22
<br />'Upon direction of President Richardson, the Clerk read the minutes of a meeting held Monday even ng,October 7, 1940,
<br />in the office of the Mayor, City Hall, for the purpose of securing information relative to a Housing Authority. In
<br />addition to the members of the Council, Earl VonStarch, Project Adviser of the United States Housing Authority, and
<br />City Attorney George Beamer were present. Z!c /a�Z�-
<br />Adopted by the members of the Sixth Region of the South Bend Civic Planning
<br />Assn. Inc. assembled in regular meeting at St. Adalbert's Hall, Thursday,
<br />February 13, 1941.
<br />WREREAS the question of a local'housing authority is again before the city of South Bend; and
<br />WHEREAS such a local housing board is not necessary for housing of defense workers, which can be done directly by
<br />the Federal Government; and
<br />WHEREAS the present.:state housing law does not distinguish between housing for those on relief and those with in-
<br />comes, and allows very broad powers to the housing authorities, once created:-
<br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members of the Sixth Region of the South Bend Civic Planning Assn. Inc. do
<br />hereby oppose the passage by the South Bend City Council of a resolution creating such a housing authority; and
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we favor state legislation limiting the powers of the housing authority, to give greater
<br />control over it by the City Council and the people and to restrict housing other than defense housing to those on
<br />relief and otherwise publicly assisted; and
<br />I
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be submitted to the meeting of the Board of Directors of the
<br />South Bend Civic Planning Assn. Inc. Monday, February 17, 1941 and that they be urged to take steps to carry out
<br />these plans.
<br />Sixth Region
<br />South Bend Civic Planning Assn. Inc.
<br />J. Woloszyn, President
<br />The above resolution was read at the Board of Directors meeting held Monday, February 17, 1941 and ep proved by some
<br />unanimously.
<br />Honorable Common Council
<br />City Hall
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />(Gentlemen:
<br />Ozmun A. Laven, President
<br />March 5, 1941
<br />The Home Builders of South Bend submit this letter showing some facts that should be considered before voting upon
<br />a housing authority for South Bend. We feel that if our city goes into the home building business, it will do the
<br />builders of this community great harm. If part of the homes are nearly tax free and the other homes regzired to
<br />bear all of the.expenses of government, it will cause dissatisfaction. 'Me believe there would be less houses built
<br />by private builders if a housing authority is appointed.
<br />In making a survey through our organization, we are finding additional builders and owners of lots who are contempla -
<br />ing building; and we believe there can now be about 2000 homes built within a year through private building if there
<br />are no homes built at public expense. Your cooperation is sought to oppose the establishing of the housing authority,
<br />especially until such time as it is shown that it is needed.
<br />