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Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend met in regular session in the Council Chambers, <br />Monday, January 27, 1941, at 7:35 P.M., with all members present. President Richardson presided. The reading -of <br />the minutes of the previous meeting was waived. <br />PETITION <br />TO THE HONORABLE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />November 28, 1940 <br />We, the undersigned, hereby respectfully petition your Honorable body to amend the taxicab ordinance now in force <br />in the City of South Bend, Indiana, being Ordinance No. , so as to provide for an increase in the maximum <br />rate that might be charged for local taxicab fares in the following particular: <br />Increase such maximum,rate from Fifteen (15) cents for the first half mile, <br />to Twenty -five (.25) Cents for the first half mile or any fractional part <br />thereof; and to provide for Five (.05) Cents for each additional quarter <br />mile or fractional part thereof. <br />The reason for this petition and for said request for increase of maximum rates is because of increased cost of <br />wages, of supplies and increased taxes that all taxicab companies are now compelled to pay in the City of South B <br />Indiana, which amounts are substantially greater than the companies were compelled to pay when said ordinance was <br />originally passed and amended. <br />'Respectfully submitted, <br />SOUTH BEND CAB COMPANY <br />By Otto Entzian <br />NDIANA CAB, COMP <br />By-Bert Liss <br />YELL0W CAB C%TANY <br />By -A. J. Scanlon <br />Councilman Pulaski made a motion that, the ordinance be referred to the City Attorney to have an ep propriate ordin- <br />ance drawn, said ordinance to be presented at the next meeting of the Council. Councilman Niezgodski seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF REAL ESTATE IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />GENTLEMEN: <br />The undersigned owners of the following described real estate, to wit: <br />Lot Numbered Forty -one (41) in Kaley's Second Lincoln Highway Addition <br />to the City of South Bend, a triangular parcel of real estate bounded <br />by Lincoln Way West, Humbolt and Elliott Streets. <br />respectfully petition your Honorable Body to change the zoning of the above described real estate from residential <br />to commercials <br />The. undersigned -oyrAers desire and intend to utilize immediately the said property for the purposes consistent with <br />the reclassification herein petitioned for. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands and seals this 27th day of January, 1941. <br />ROGER FENSKA <br />FLORENCE FENSKA <br />2172 Englewood Ave. <br />Councilman Pulaski made a motion to refer the petition to the Zoning Committee. Councilman McCarthy seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />TO THE HONORABLE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />The intersections of South Brookfield, Grant and Jackson Streets in this city, each running north and south, with <br />the combined railway tracks of the New York Central, New Jersey and Grand Trunk Railroads, running east and west, <br />are, in each instance, railway crossings and are a menace to the safety of pedestrian traffic over the same. The <br />situation and location of the combined tracks of these railroads at each crossing, and the continuous passage of <br />freight and passenger trains the reover, are such as to make them highly dangerous to persons crossing them, partic- <br />ularly children. <br />The condition at each of these crossings with reference to danger is such that it cannot be remedied by warning <br />signs or other ordinary, and usual precautions. They are located in a thickly populated portion of the city. More <br />than two hundred (200) school children, .residing in St. Adalbert's Parish, attend the Washington High School on <br />West Sample Street and by reason.of such attendance are required to cross such intersections and crossings daily. <br />Therefore, by reason of the especially dangerous situation_ at these crossings, which danger cannot be obviated by <br />ordinary precautions, we, the undersigned, residents and taxpayers affected by such condition, do hereby respect- <br />fully petition your Honorable Board to establish and build an overhead bridge, for pedestrian traffic only, over <br />the crossing either at South Brookfield, Grant or Jackson Streets. <br />(130 signatures) <br />Councilman Hull made a motion that the petition be referred to the Board of Works to contact the railroad companies <br />and report back to the Council. Councilman Bishop seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PETITION <br />We, the undersigned, residents of River Park, hereby request the Honorable Mayor and the Common Council of the City <br />of South Bend to take the necessary legal steps to stop at once the dumping of all rubbish, ashes, tin cans, and <br />all other unsightly and unhealthful refuse anywhere along the St. Joseph Diver bank between North Side Blvd. and th, <br />River *s edge from Logan Street to Sample Street. We request that special attention be given to the known dump <br />between 34th Street and Logan Street -and that this area be covered with dirt at the earliest possible time. <br />(300 signatures) <br />1, <br />A. <br />