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08-14-39 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
08-14-39 Council Meeting Minutes
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ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR OF 1940 FOR THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />Ordinance given first and second reading. Hull made motion to referr ordinance to Committee of th <br />Whole for public herring on-August 21th, 1939. <br />wommunicPtion enclosed with two ordinances was read. <br />To Members of the Common Council: <br />Gentlemen: <br />The Board of Public Forks and Safety is confronted with the necessity of making certain repairs <br />to fire stations in the city. We believe it is important that these repairs be m=ade during the <br />current yepr because of the bad condition of the fire stations Pt the present time. <br />Because of the f¢ct that certain economies have been effected in the Fire Department, end also <br />because of the fpct that a large amount of fire hose was purchased last year, we have been able ti <br />save certain budgetary items in the Fire Department which savings amounts to x$1500.00.. In additi� <br />to this we had an appropriation in our budget this year of $700.00 to buy P strip of lard owned <br />by the 0. A. Clark estate. The Board and Mryor have determined it inadvisable to purshase th-is <br />property because it will be of no material use to the City. We had thought these items could be <br />transferred to an account for the purpose of increasing the fire station repair fund. However, <br />the State Tax Board has ruled that it is necessary to reduce certain budgetary items by one ordi= <br />nanee and then to re- appropriate out of the General Fund for the emergency mentioned above. <br />In addition to these sbove items, the Health Department budget for this year.provides for only <br />two members in addition to the Health Officer. But commencing January 1st, 1939, the hoard wps <br />increased to four members or threemenbers besides the Health Officer, in accordance with the new <br />Indiana State Law. No salary was appropriated for one of these members and it is necessary to <br />provide that salary. The 1939 budget for the payment of salary to the Health Officer also was <br />(deficient in that it provided for P salary on the old basis end the new law, went into ef- <br />fect January lst, 1939, provided for the payment of the Health Officer on r per capita basis, <br />which increased the selAry of the youth Bend Health Officer in the sum of $377.18. It is also_ <br />necessary to make this amount availpble for the Health Department budget. This has been done by <br />reducing certain budgetary items which were set up and not used in connection with the Isolation <br />Hospital. <br />City Treasurer ex officio Coutty Treasurer Beczkiewicz, because of the recent Barrett Law decisioi <br />by the Supreme Court, is required to send out certain notices which will take additional appro- <br />priRtions for postage. He hss in his repair equipment fund approximately $440.00 which he says ht <br />will not use during the remainder of the year. This fund has been reduced in accordance with the <br />provisions of one ord.inance.which we are submitting, in the sum of $440.00 and he is asking that <br />an emergency appropriation from the General Fund for the same amount be made in order that he may <br />purchase additional postage. <br />These ordinances will be introduced at this time in order that these emergency items may be adve <br />tised along with the 1940 budget and a public herring on the items can be held Pt the same time <br />provided for herring on next year's budget. <br />Very truly yours, <br />George N. Deemer <br />City Attorney. <br />ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING CERTAIN SUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CIVIL <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR ETRrRGFNCY PURPOSES. <br />First re dingcbf Qt11TAndnsecbnd tending in full. Councilman Hull made motion this ordinancebe <br />referred to the Committee of the Whole for public herring on August 28th, 1939. Councilman <br />Brannon second the motion. Motion carried. <br />0RDI NANO Q <br />AN ORDINANCE REDUCING CERTAIN BUDGETARY ITEMS PROVIDED FOR IN THEh1939 <br />AUDUFFOR THE, CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH` -END, INDIAIV'A' <br />This ordinance wss given; it's first reading0y,title Pnd second reading in full. A motion by <br />Councilman Hull end second by Councilman Richardson ordinance be referred to the Committee of the <br />Whole. Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION <br />RESOLUTION ALLOCATING TH7 SUM OF X25,000.00 FROM THE AMOUNT APPROPRIATED <br />FOR TPA AND PWA INTTHE 1939 BUDGET UNDER ACCOUNT N0. H-27, DEPARTMENT OF <. <br />PUBLIC WORKS TO SPECIAL TPA ACCOUNT. <br />Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indian: <br />Thet the sum of $25,000.00 be and the same is hereby allocated from Account No. H -27 Department <br />of Public Works in the 1939 budget to Specirl TPA Account, and that this amount so allocated by <br />the Common Council may be used during the tear 1939, for the purchase of materiels, labor and <br />other items chargeable to the various City TPA projects, subject to the approval of the Board <br />of Works. The amount so allocated shall be deducted from the amount of $175,000.00, appoopria,ted <br />in the 1939 Budget under Account H -27, Department of Public Works. <br />Leo. M. Jordan <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Pn <br />
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