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r <br />RESOLUTION: <br />RESOLUTION concerning the depth of George H. Wheelock, <br />WHEREAS, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe hi=s called to his reward, George H. Wheelock, a. <br />member of the Park Board of the City of South 'Rend, and. <br />WHEREAS, the deceased has spent ell his life in the Citv, where he wFs known end loved by <br />mhny and where he wnp prominent in matters pertrining to Civic `, and <br />P"1HEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend end the citizens of this City deeply <br />regret his passing; ?nd <br />THEREFORE, be it resolved, thpt the Common Council of the City of South Bend., on behalf of the <br />City end its citizens, extend to his bereaved .family the condolence of this Council; <br />and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thpt a copy of this Resolution, certified by the City Clerk, be sent <br />to the members of the family of the deceased ?nd ? copy be spread on the records of <br />the Common Council of the City of-South Bend. <br />Councilmen PulPski moved that the Resolution be - adopted. Councilmen Hull seconded the motion. <br />Motion c=arried. <br />Permission was Psked by representrtive of Workers Alliance to present e. resolution in meeting. <br />Councilmen Richardson motioned that the resolution be read. Councilmen Niezgodski seconded <br />the motion.* Lotion carried. <br />RESOLUTIONt <br />RESOLUTION FOR AN ADEQUATE W. P. A. APPRCPRIATION: <br />Whereefi The house of RepresentP +fives, on Js n. 14, 1Q59, voted a $725,000,000 emergency relief <br />appropriation in spite of h11 Pmendments mrde to increase the P?oproprirtion suffic- <br />iently to mpintPin the present work rolls of W.P.A., end <br />Whereas: This inadequate W.P.A. rprropri^tion, if pesfied by the SPn, -te and confirmed. by the <br />President, will zesult in the laying off of over 600,000 present W.P.A. workers, end <br />WherePs: This cut will result in Pt least 1000 South Bend W.P.A. workers losing their jobs, <br />forcing them Rnd their dependents or n t of P1 of Pt 1 er st 5000, back on direct relief, <br />which will result in Pn editiona.l $25,000 a month of the trx- payers money to be ex- <br />pended besides thrt Trendy being spent for those people now on direct relief, end <br />Whereas; This ley off will cause unjust suffering to thousands of South Bend's citizens by <br />denying them employemtn, and thereby destroying-their buying mower, P,nd <br />Whereas: This lay off will 21so result in an increased burden on local tax- payers and will <br />Ft• tTie same time w ithdrrw $60,000 P month from r egulPr local business chennels, <br />thereby mrking it more difficult for the business man maintain his business and his <br />F,bility to pry taxes, end <br />Wherers: The effects of this inrdequPte Ppproprietion on the unemployed, businessmen-; and <br />citi.zens generally of this community may be �vo ided by Congress making an adequate <br />W.P.A,propriPtion, end <br />Where^s: Many of these Congressmen, Plong with the President, are in frvo_r of an adequate <br />n-nproprietion and need only theFurport of their constituents, therefore be it <br />Resolved:That we, the City Council of South Bend, Indiana, do hereby go on record to urge <br />our Congressmento support P larger Pnd adequate W.P.A. appropriation, and urge them <br />to vote "NO" on the present inadequate W.P.A. appropriation proposed by the House <br />of Representatives, Pnd'now before the Sennte, end be it further <br />Resolved: That should the 'senate pess this inadequate appropriation before this resolution <br />reaches them thpt this Council urges President Roosevelt to veto this inadequate <br />W.P.A. appropriation, Pndbe it further <br />Resolved.: That copies of this resolution be sent to President Roosevelt, ell Congressmen from <br />the State of Ind.iar_a., and Herbert Benismin, National Secretary of the Workers <br />Alliance, 1211 Eye St., N.W. Washington, D.C. <br />Counci.lmrn Hull :ride P motion that the Resolution be referredto the Committee of the Whole. <br />The represent?tives of the Workers Alliance voiced a protest and requested immediate consid.era.t <br />of the Resolution. <br />President McCarthy called for ? second to the motion voiced by Councilmen Hull. The motion <br />wPs seconded by Councilman gorden. The motion wrs carried by following vote: Hull, McCarthy, <br />HeidemPn, Pulrski, Jordan - 5 Pyes. Niezgodski, Bishop, Brannon, Rich =rdson - 4 neys. <br />There being no further business Councilmen Hull moved to adjourn. Councilman Brannon seconded <br />the motion. motion carried. Council adjourned Pt 8 :05 P.M. <br />ATTEST AP?-ROVED: <br />CLERK PRESIDENT <br />on <br />