<br />dIVUTE 5
<br />NOV EM 28th, 19;g
<br />Be it remembered th-t. the Corn_mon Council met in the Regul =r Session in the Council..ChFmbexs
<br />in the City Hall, Mor_d�y evening, Aicvetrber ?gth, at the hour of 9:x+0 P.M. All mernbere r�ere
<br />present. President Hull presided. The reFdir.g- of minutes were dispensed with cn. motion of
<br />Councilman_ Chambe-, -, seconded by Councilman bierwYgen. ?motion carried.
<br />Councilman James introduced the following re scl•it ion:
<br />R E S O L U T I O N
<br />BE IT RESOLVED `Phpt the boerd of Public Works and S,p,.fety be instructed to file Pn n.?1?n7 is -ticn
<br />for a W.F. -A .grant t fcr the river crossovers, pumping st -tion anca sewage disrosnl p1� nt Pt
<br />the e"rliest rossibTe moment.
<br />m. S. Jpme
<br />Y F1r;BER OF CC��i',T COUNCIL
<br />Co-;zncilrnan Jaynes :moved for the P d option of the above resolution. Councilmen Fish seconded
<br />the motion. Moll ca.11. on said resolution es follovrs: Hull, Goetz, Bierwegen, James, Kerner,
<br />Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and. Palicki. 9 eyes. 0 rays. �tesoluticrl adore ed.
<br />Councilman James moved to adj'ou =nom the meeting till' December 5th, 107F. Councilmen Fish
<br />seconded the mot icn . ?,.iot. i or_ curried. Council adjourned et 10:3r 'P-11.
<br />December Fth, 1935 - 7:40 P. T..
<br />CERTI
<br />South tend, Indiana,
<br />1938
<br />it Mary'B. L- Taylor, City, Clerk of the City of South Mend, Indiana, do hereby certify that
<br />a copy of the attached notice was published in the-South Bend Tribune and the South Bend
<br />,News Times, two daily newspapers, on the 18th and 25th of November, 1938, both published in
<br />the City of South Bend, Indiana, elso th €t I have posted notices in the following places:
<br />to -wit:
<br />In the Corridor of the City Hall, South Bend, Indiana,
<br />In the Corridor of the Court House, South Bend, Indiene,
<br />In the alley in the rear of the Court House, South Bend, Indiana, all being public
<br />pleces iri said City:
<br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand end affixed the Seal of the City of South
<br />Bend, Indiana, this 6th day of December, 1938.
<br />(SEAL). -
<br />Accepted by the council and ordered placed on file.
<br />Mary B. L Tay_1lor
<br />#p3266
<br />To' the Common Council of the City ,of South Bend:
<br />Your-Committee of the Whole
<br />to whom was referred An Ordinance appropriating the sum of One Thousand One Hundred and
<br />Sixty -Five Dollars ($1,165.00) to the various accounts of the Park Board from monies already
<br />a propriated to account no. 321, fuel & oil, of which amount One Thousand Two Hundred Dolle,rs
<br />0,, 200.00) will_.not be needed during balance of the year 1938.
<br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion should be
<br />reported favorable. Geo. W. Goetz, Chairman.
<br />The report was accepted by the Council and ordered placed on file.
<br />D E P A R T M E N T O F P, -U B L I C W O R K S
<br />December 5, 1938
<br />The Honorable Common Council:
<br />Your resolution requesting the Board of Public Works and Safety to file an application for
<br />R WPA grant for river crossovers, pumping stetion and sewege,disposel plant was presented
<br />to the Board of Public Works end Safety at their me6tings this morning.
<br />After discussing this matter thoroughly, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that
<br />this Board refer back the above named resolution as introduced by Mr. W. S. James for further
<br />consideration by the Common Council, in line with the communication received from-.Harry B.
<br />Roach, acting Director of the WPA, addressed to the Mayor end supplemented by a. communica.tion
<br />:from Raymond L. Pike, Director of the Division of Operations to Mr. Harry. Roach, which
<br />are attached hereto end which sets forth additional requirements necessary.before the applictL-
<br />tion for a WPA grant can be properly filed.
<br />G. 0. Thurm
<br />Clerk
<br />GOT: HP
<br />enc
<br />C 0 P Y
<br />207 East Wayne Street
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />December 2, 1938
<br />