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11-28-38 Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
11-28-38 Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
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8/19/2013 12:05:12 PM
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8/19/2013 11:52:01 AM
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• <br />Under rule 3u of Rules by the Str < < +e Board of Hepit h, provision is m,76e for the inspection of <br />cpttle -, hoc-r, sheet, by ePnti— mertom rnd post— mortorn incc,:�ction by P licensed ins-Pectcr t'pproved <br />by the St<.te bor?rd of HPplth, employinG, rcietrodG of insp- Ction and nnplysts conformi in ^ t0 the <br />rules =;_ re al ^ti.or.s cf the U.S. Bureau of Animal Industry of the Derrrt �iPnt of Agri c altar as <br />tc insoection before rr_d after 'gill ingm. Such i.ns- n- ction is to be performed by P licensed veterin <br />P.ry find a et =-mp to be used for upending ca.rcrsses and ,reFt products to be of r for(r) Gize ^nd <br />wording removed b the Stete 13o.lyd of He,,slth, <br />The Kuhmer Prcki.nR- Co.T'Tny of ilanCiC are nor )si.n�z incpectiC; so !�F tc_ enable tb.Pm to <br />sell tr,ei.r xePt n.roducts in Indiprerolis, where rn inspection law is i:a force. The requiring <br />of all meat to be inGpPcted, either under Ste. + -e of Feder--,I requirement G, i.c believed to be nec- <br />ess ry in order to eliminate un..wholeso-= e meat and. (rest products from beir_g Gold in the ci t 1T of <br />South Bend, ?nd to guar ^ntee that sanitary requirements be met br slaughter ho-uses. <br />We have been advised by the Major Bros. Packing Conireny of Mishawpka, the only FederClly in- <br />spected pe,cki'ngr house in this vicinity, th =t they do rnd h�Ave for some time performed "cu.stem <br />butchering" for ft rivers and others for a fee of $.50 plus the offal per hog, and $1.00 r,,lus <br />the offal per beef; the hide of the beef to ce purchased at current market price at the option <br />of the f��_rmer or prudu.cer. We believe that this will enable the consumer of South Bend to be <br />assured of wholesome meet products without' any undue haraship upon packing houses who Pre now <br />selling; in South fiend and openl_ati g, under- proper •sanitniy conditions. <br />The restaurant, t,vern a-nd sods fountain provisi6ns are very thorrug•htly covered by rules and <br />regulr -tions promulgated b - -the St=te Board of health, pass-ed April 1, 19714,• rhieh rules and <br />regulrtions were practically identical to those included formerly in the ordihEnces. <br />fihe comrni.ttee believes that each of the controversal points ht-- been sat isfsctorily covered <br />and th =t ss, far as we know there is ro opposition to my of the provisions, s, covered by <br />the amended ordinance, copy of which is hereby furnished. <br />Respectfully sub,nitted, <br />ORDINANOE CCMYJTTEFC <br />HZ�wPrd L. Chambers <br /> R:?smussen <br />Councilm n hull moved. th. ^t sz id ord .n <r.ce oe held in the committee and public herrirg_ be hr-,d <br />on December 12th, 193 . Councilman Fish seconded the motion. Y.'Oticn carried. <br />Councilman Cr ^tubers stated that the HePlth L�epartme?�t should be co :r�.ended for their wonderful <br />cooperation and good work in sanitation etc. <br />Counci_lmrn Hull. moved to reconsider Ordinance *3263 and let the fF.r mess be herrd. Councilman <br />Fish seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Ordinrnce No. 326' open for discussion. <br />Couneilman Kerner moved th�_it .said. ordinance go to the corr,_r,ittee on crdin� noes ^nd public he -'r- <br />ing on December 12th, 1935•. Councilman_ R4smussen seco:�ded the moti ^r. Motion c ^rried. <br />Cduricilmen Chambers suggested that the board- of Public Safety Cnd Board of health correct <br />(dumping condition by bringing in an ord.invrrce. <br />Council_T.tnn null moved to adjourn. Councilman Bierw Fen seconded the mo +ion. Motion carried. <br />(Committee of the `-7-hole adjourned at 9 :30 P. 14, <br />TTEST: APPROVED: ` <br />CHAIRMAN <br />
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