<br />Be it remembered thpt the Common Co;ancil met in the Committee of the ( hole in the Council
<br />Chambers cf the City Hall, Mlondpy evenir_sc, November 25th, at the hour of 7:40 P.M. A I I members
<br />were present. Chairman Goetz presided.
<br />0 R I .11 F C E ITC , 3266
<br />An Ordinance appropri =.ting the sum of One Thousand One Hundred and. Sixty -Five Dollars ( .$1,165.0
<br />to the various accounts of the Park board from monies Plready . propript ed to account No.321,
<br />fuel & oil, of which Rmount One Thoasand Two Hundred Dollars (4F1,200.00) will not be needed
<br />during balance of the yep ,r 1935•
<br />Councilman Hull moved thrt said ordi pace go to the Council fevorably. Councilman i�erner
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />ORDIY UTCE NO. 3263
<br />An Ordir ^rice amending Section 13 of -n Ordinr,.nce• Numbered 26??2 adopt ed by the Common Ca�.ncil
<br />on the 15th dry of Febru,- -ry, 192Q, :nncl epnreved. by the ivin.yor or. February 16, 19257 being' a-n
<br />ordinance re mu 1ptin r the nroductior , . gr�din g, 1pbelin�
<br />, h,- ra l.Ln g, p r steurizaticn ,
<br />distribution
<br />and sale of ilk, ce=m ad
<br />certain milk - rroducts and -- rovidi. g for issuing permits a.nd
<br />licenses therefoX.
<br />Councilor? n Kerner- moved that sp.id ordiraiace be t ^bled. Council-, 2r, Rasmussen secc-r.ded the
<br />motion. 1viction carried..
<br />ORDII1ANCE NO. x,27
<br />An Ordinance to regul^te, control Pnd license the sale, storrLye, delivery, and. distribution
<br />of food, both wholes,:,le and retail, within the City. of South Bend., end to provide for the in-
<br />co cti_on of restaurants luck gtar_ds roce -ie^ meat merkets beer taverns, bakeries, cafes,
<br />dining rooms, ice crepm�parlors, ?nubl -c or nrivpte rnprket shops, stores, stxehouse,s,
<br />cold atorr ge pl?rts, or Trhere fipr., oysters, birds, fowl, vegeta -les, fruit G, milk, ices,
<br />beve7°a -Pc, meet, inert food prod.ucta, bake goods, or any other provision or food intended. for
<br />consumption by-humar beiT�? ^, is - rrnufrCtured., held, kept, stored, or offered for sp.le, di.s-
<br />p0 4itl0 -, or other distribution Pp food for human beings.
<br />Coi.ancilmar Chambers moved that said ordinance be tp.ken off tie. table and reconsiderec..
<br />Councilmen'R-smussen sec.nd-d the motion. Motion serried.
<br />The following -rnendmerits• wire read. by Councilrnpn Chambers:
<br />November 25, 1935
<br />To the "Viembers of the Common Council
<br />City of South bend
<br />Your ordinance com.rIittee desires to make the followinp? , report and recommendation:
<br />ThFt ordinance 13237, laid on the table December 27, 1937, be taken from the: table for pur-
<br />poses of amendment r nd consider Pt ion on Naj ember =5, 1.938; That the follow:irg, amendments
<br />be made thereto:
<br />SECTION I - To be amended as set out in ;-,;mended ordinance attached. This amendment is for
<br />the purpose of eliminetir_g any possibility of the applicp.tion_ of this ordinance to filling
<br />stpti.ons Pnd to c1prify the P- rrlic,:ti_on of the o din��nce.
<br />SECTION 3 - Lune 2, page , apte for the effectiveness of the ord 'r.r:nce is chz,nged to June 1,
<br />1939, and on line 3, the license fee is changed to $5.00. One line 7, the word "J %.nu, -.ry'k is
<br />chine -ed. to " December".
<br />Paragraph 2, pace 3, line 5, the fee is changed from $5.00 to 50¢.
<br />SECTIC'�? 4 -From 2nd. pTra raph, prQ e 4, to 1st -oerFwrenh. on pr eve 10 ere omitted becau6e cover d
<br />by rules ^nd rezulations proinulgnted'by th.e State boprd. of Health of Indicn ^. c-s of Anil 1,
<br />1 j3�-`, beving, per ticuler reference to restaurants, tpverrs, arid soda fountains. However, pn.r-
<br />ngr:nph B Adopts said rules cnd regulations i.n the following lanwu ge. "The Inspection, tend Wr,.d-
<br />inp- of all. public; c ^ti.rm est:=blishmen +s slhr ^T1 be bpred upon the Rules ar_d. Regulations _nrornulg...ti
<br />ac of April 1, 193 under ^uthority of Acts of 1907 by State boprd of Heplth, Ind made a. Part
<br />hereof."
<br />C is then made a p?rt of Section 4 -- minimum building Pm -d equipment requirements
<br />formerly carried Es Sect- ; - n
<br />SECTION 6 - Pp.ge 11_, line 4, the words "Two feet" are changed to "Six inches".
<br />SECTION 9 - Page 12, line 11, delete "or the sale of food stuff on the public market of South
<br />Bend."
<br />Page 12, prrPgrnph 2, line 9, delete ''either pt wholesale or
<br />SECTION? 15 - Pa-t e 14, line 5, ch•,nge word "running" to "avail -able" and add at end of :br rrg'rt ='ph
<br />'provided herez7:fter all new estpblishments must hsve running hot water and facilities for
<br />sterilizing urns end equipment."
<br />SECTION, 17 - Page 15, Line 5, delete ''solid part; ti_ons or floors with no doors or windows cr "
<br />Openings therein" and substitue "Gelfclosing door."
<br />SECTION 21.- Page 17, line 3, delete word '' immF(9 iptely" rand ; fter Nord "close" add "at end ;of
<br />five days."
<br />SECTION 30 - Page 15, line a, after the Tord. "'Kept" insert "used ". 4th line, delete "either
<br />by" .:end. a.dd ''made under s upervi si.onof .
<br />Line 5, after w ord. "government" insect 7-ords "State of Ird -iFrE ." Line 6, delete fiords "or
<br />superior to." Page 19, line 6, change d, - -te to read. June 1, 10/39.
<br />SECTIONT 42 - This section, is substituted ns nsrs�rrnh C of Section 4. Delete ell pprP�-rraphs
<br />hpvinp- reference to restaurants, lunch stands z nd scdp fountsins.
<br />SECTION 43 to 46 - Ppgp 27 chenPe number Section ^. 43 to 42.
<br />Secticr_ 44 to 43.
<br />Pave 21 chpn�re nurnber Section Dr; tc 44
<br />Section 46 to 45.
<br />