<br />sideration in the intter p^rt of 19;7, and
<br />WHEREAS, such food crdinance urns tabled by action of the common council with the urderstrnding,
<br />that rn emended food ordinance would be latex introduced, and
<br />y�GHEREAS, to our knowledge there has been nothing done to introduce such amended food ordilpn.ce.
<br />or to v-ive consider^tion to the enactment of sr-me rt another date.
<br />Therefore, are the undersigned beinw tsxpayers and consumers residing in the city of South Bend,
<br />resp:° ctfully urce the errly Pdoption of a food ordinance to insure cafe and spnitr.Tv handling
<br />of food and to -rrohibit the sale of unwholesome end /or diseased. meats within the city of
<br />South Bend.
<br />(1728 signers)
<br />Councilmen Kerner moved that Raid petitions
<br />Councilman Goetz -moved to eriend motion that
<br />mussen seconded the motion. Mlotion carried.
<br />be tabled. Councilman Bi.erwegen seconded the moti
<br />s.a_id petitions be placed on file. Councilmen Ras-
<br />Ba.laince on Hand fifst of month- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41,077,112.19
<br />Balhnce on hand September 30th, 1938 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- x;1,030,035.75
<br />Respectfully submitted, Chas. F. Zillmer, City Controller, Councilman Kerner moved that seed
<br />report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman PClicki seconded the motion.. - Motion carried.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. .3265
<br />An Ordinance' authorizing rand .providing for the issuance of $2,000,000 Seweg_e Works (Revenue)
<br />Bonds of the City of South Bend, Indi �nr, for the purpose of defraying the cost to said City bf
<br />constructing .a sewage treatment works for said City,_ prescribing the form of said bonds and
<br />providing for the collection and segregntion and distribution of the revenues of the municipp.1
<br />nearer ge system of s, -hid City for the purpose of safeguarding, protecting and paying said bonds.
<br />The Ordinhnce wag given its third reading by title t nd roll call wes es follows: Hull and
<br />Chnmbers - 2 ayes. Goetz, Bierwnigen, Kerner, Kish, Rasmussen and Pa.licki. - 6 nays. Ordinance
<br />Lost.
<br />ORDINANCE YO. 3263 - --
<br />An Ordinance amending Section 13 of an Ordir_, ^nce numbered 2652 adopted by the Common Council
<br />on the 13th d.ay of Fe.brun ry, 1.92,, e.nd approved by the Mayor on Februr ry 16, 192,x, being an
<br />Ordinance regulrting the Production, Grading, Labeling, Hnndling, Pasteurization, Distribution
<br />and Sale of MliZk, Cream and certain milk products and providing for issuing permits and. license
<br />therefor.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reeding by title, its second r,!Fdir.g in. full... Cotancil�(.an
<br />Goetz moved that spill ordi n ^nce be referred to the Committee of the Whole and public hearing
<br />on November ?s�th. Councilmen Bierwagen seconded the moti.or.. Moticn carried..
<br />ORDT ",! Ai�TCE NO. 3266
<br />An Ord`_r ?nce apv?ropript_ng the sum of One Thousand One Hundred end Sixty -Five Dollars 01,165}
<br />to the various nccounts of the Park board from monies already appropriated to account no. 321,
<br />fuel & oil, of which e}rount one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200.00) will. not ce needed
<br />during balance of the year 193.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading b;y title, its second reading in full. Councilman
<br />Chembers moved that said ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Whole and public hearing
<br />on November 29th. Councilr;c -4n Goetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />There being no further business Councilman bier'magen moved_ to adjourn. Councilrr;an -Fish seconde
<br />the motion. Motion carried. Council adjourned at 10:4-0 P. M.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />�&'
<br />CLERK
<br />PR ENT Y
<br />