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08-17-38 Council Special Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
08-17-38 Council Special Meeting Minutes
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8/19/2013 12:02:07 PM
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Council Mtg Minutes
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52 <br />Councilman Ch,mb�rs moved that Paid. ordinr nce be referred to the Committee of the Whole and <br />public on AuFust 29th, Cruncilm.en Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion crrried. <br />ORDEJANCE NO. 3255 <br />An Ordinances Tnpi- o -rrirt ink moneys for the nurrose of defraying the ex1penses of the seve.rn.l <br />depPrtments tf the city 7overnment of the city of South Bend, Indi.pnr, for the fiscal. yerr <br />beginning Jsnw ry 1, 1939, and endinR7 Deceivber 31, 1939, -including pll outstanding c1_si�ns and <br />oblig.rtions, Pnd fixing & time when the same shall t^ke effect. <br />The Ordin.rnce vas given its first reading by title. Councilmen Chambers moved thet the second <br />re- d 4 ng b� by title only. Councilmen Rasmussen seconded the motion. Mo .,Ion carried. <br />Councilmen Chambers moved that s ^id ordir >r_nce be referred to the Com mittee of the Whole and <br />public hearing• on August 29th. Councilman Rasmusser, seconded the ,motion. n'otior_ cnsri_ed. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 32% <br />An Ordir^nce fixln:� the Tax <br />Indi. ana . <br />r <br />The ordln ^nce wFF, given its <br />Chambers moved tha=t said be <br />Au�-fu -t 29th. Councilman Ra <br />Levy' for the s?err 193° for the Muricir ^l Civil City of So nth i?end, <br />first re ^ by titlt-, its secor_d in full. Councii:rn ^n <br />referred to the Committee of the Wholt. nrid public he,---ring on <br />sinus -o::. ^ecorded the motion. Motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE h0. 3257 <br />An Ordir. -nce fixinw the S^Iaries for the various officials of the Civil City of South. Be'nd., <br />Indiana, for the period co,.r-.encing Ja.nuFry 1, 1939, to December 31, 1939, both inclusive. <br />The Ordinance w?s wiven its first by title, its second reading in full. Councilman <br />Chambers roved th-t s^id ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Whole; for consid_era.tion <br />and. public `- hearing be hrd on Aup -ist 22nd. Councilman Goetz seconded the motion. ` Votion carriec <br />ORDI1,AiYC'F 170. 325P--' <br />An Ordinance fixing they splrries and r,roviding for -Paid vacs -t ions of cent = =in city officials <br />and emi�loyees of the M..unicip= =1 City of South mend, Tndipn^, and rep =t ling all ordi- arses and <br />A its of ordi.nhnces in conflict <br />The ordinE °nce eras -iven its first reeding by t itle, its second'rea.C7.Ing i'n full. Councilman <br />Ch= -tubers moved that seid. ordir-a.nce be referr(-d. to the Committee of the ,Nhole ^nd u1;1 is hear irg� <br />on Au�•ust 22nd.. Councilc,=r Rr: �u ^ -en seconded. the motion. 14otion crrried. <br />There bein,7 no further business Council:na.n Chambers m -7ved to rdaourn. Cc,incilmE�n. Goetz second. - <br />td the motion. %lotion cz- rried. Council adjourned at 8 :0n R )M. <br />ATT,,ST: <br />i <br />CLERK/ <br />APPROVED: <br />
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