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SPECIAL CALL <br />`_' I NUT ES <br />AUGUST 17th, 1938 <br />Be it remembered thp.t the Com -rion Council met in the Special Session in the Council Chambers <br />of the City Hall, 1gedneGdsy evening, august 17th, 1Q3e,, at the hour of 7:40 P. m.' An <br />members were rresent except Councilmen James and Palicki. President Hull TieFided. <br />STATE OF INDTA? ?A ) CALL FOR SPECIAL 1:1EETI1vG OF <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY )SS: <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND ) THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />TO THE 1-?[E?BERS OF Tub; COMMN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDTAYA: <br />You are her -by notified_ thp.t under and by virtue of the authority by 1pw vested. in me ^s <br />'Favor of the City of South Bend, of the State of Indiana, a Special meeting of the Common <br />Council of s?id City ip hereby called to meet at the hour of 7:30 o'clock Y.Y. or'^s soon <br />thereafter ss convenient, on Jednesdpy evening, August 17th, 1938, for the purpose of consid- <br />er'irg the follovrir.�m: ' <br />ORDI'TAlrCE NO. 3254 <br />"An Ordinance appronripting moneys for the purpose of defr^ying the <br />e.xpensea of the Park Department of the City Government of the City <br />of South Beni, Indian.^, for the fiscal year oevinning JFinu.rry 1, . <br />1939, and endi_nP- December 31, 1939, including all outstanding claims <br />and oblip,- Lions, ^nd fixing a. time when the sa--me shz ll take effect." <br />Also ORDINANCE NO. 3255 <br />"An Ordinance a.ppropr4riting monfyp for the purpose of defraying the <br />exper.ees „of the several dendrtYnents of the city government of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, for the fiscal year beginning Janus -ry <br />1, 1939, ^nd ending December 31, 1938, including all. outstanding <br />claiias and obligations, and fixing a time when the same shall take <br />effect.'' . <br />Also ORDINANCE NO. 3256 <br />"An 0rdinirlce fixing the tax levy for the year 1939 for the MFunicip^1 <br />Civil City of South Bend.., Indi.anF =.” <br />Also ORDINANCE NO. 3257 <br />"An Ordinance fixing the stlarie,s for the various officials of the <br />Civil City of South Bend, Indi, -n=, for thF period commencing January <br />1, 1939, to December-31, 1_x39, both inclusive." <br />Also ORDTNAYCE NO. 325 <br />"An Ordinance fixing the salaries and. providing for paid vacations of <br />certain city off:i_ci.^le and employees of the Muni.cippl City of South <br />Bend, Tndi rnp, and. repealing all ordin.,-nce€, and parts of ordinances <br />in conflict thererith." <br />Dated this 1.6th day of August, 193 -0, A.D. <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary B. L. Tpylor <br />CTTY CLERK <br />(SEAL) <br />George W. Freverrcjuth <br />T "AYR OF THE OTT <br />I NDT ANA <br />The within call came to hand this 17 day of August, A.D., 193F, which I served byrpading the <br />came to each Councilman, upon the date desigr�3te:d, as f.ollows: <br />Fred G. <br />Kerner <br />Or. ,August 17 <br />1939, <br />Dr. j %cx <br />J. Palicki <br />" " 17 <br />1938 <br />Geo. <br />F Hull.. <br />it it 17 , <br />1933 <br />Wm. <br />Rpsrnussen <br />It " 17 , <br />1938 <br />Guy <br />A. Fish <br />it 1.7 <br />Wm. <br />Bierwr -p7en _ <br />-- " If 17 , <br />1G38 <br />Gen. <br />W. Goetz _ <br />" it 17 , <br />1938 <br />.And b,. leaving a certified cony thereof at the l st rind usuel place of residence of such <br />members as I urns unable to find, as follows: <br />'Sm. S. James <br />Per Mcs " " 7.7 193 <br />ownrd L. Chambers <br />0y: JEK 17 , 1939 <br />Dated this 17 day of August, 193F.. <br />Cainpgell & L,.ght <br />`? +tvBER OF SOUTH BEND POLICE DEPT. <br />Special cr11 wa-- accepted by the Council. and ordered r)laced on file. <br />ORDI ".ANCE N0. 3254 <br />An Ordinance ppproprinting moneys for the purpose of defrayiii.g the expenses of the Park Depart <br />,mFnt of the City Government of the City of South Bend, IndivnE.., for the fiscal ye ,:r beginning <br />Jhnurry 1, 1939, Pnd ending December 31, 1939, including 5,11 out€;tcnding claims and obligations <br />and fixing P. time when the spore shall take effect. <br />T1- ordfiia:nce rn.s riven its first reading by titlev Councilman 611amoers moved th -t we dispense <br />with the, second. re e-dimg, we take action on reeding the caption only. Councilman B.�smuscen <br />seconded the motion. Lotion ccrried. <br />