<br />MARCH 21st, 1935
<br />Be it remembered th ^t the Common Council met in the Regular Session in the Council Ch^ -mbers
<br />in the City Hn11 , Vondpy evening `:Burch. ?ls +, rt the hour of 7:45 P. m. All members were
<br />present. President Hull nresined. The reeding of the minutes vrerp dispensed with, on motion
<br />of Councilman Ch^mbers Pnd seconded by Councilman Bierw^gen, motion carried,
<br />Balance on Hand First of Month - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$1, 07F, 043.53
<br />Balance on hand February 2£, 1- 93?----------------- - - - - -- 979,946 —
<br />Respectfully Submitted, Chas. F. Zillmer, City Controller.
<br />Councilman James moped to accept said. report and piece on fi'e. Councilman Palicki seconded
<br />the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Final -report of the Sewer- and Dr.z i:.s Committee on its findings on its investigz t ion of the
<br />conditions of the Sevier and Gas minx looted on Olive Street and Grace Street.
<br />luarch 14, 1938
<br />T-o the South Bend City Council:
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />On February 17 et the meeting of committee of the whole, there appeared P delegption of citiziens
<br />of the sixth district who brought to the council's attention e condition existing on 01.41ve
<br />Street in the neighborhood of Grace Street thpt, in their opinion, was seriously effecting
<br />and endangering the-lives of the people living in this v€e,ci.nity Fnd on P.ccount of the serious-
<br />ness of these conditions th ,,:t it r-,s their desire that Pn immediate investigation be m?de by
<br />this council.
<br />The spokesman for the deleg-tion stFted thr-t the street nnvement on Olive Street nepr the in-
<br />tersection of C'rpce Street raps - settling to a gre= t extent at this particular loot ion which
<br />vr¢s being caused. by the mucky condition of the coil. It was the opinion of those spea.kinp-
<br />th~t with the settling of the •ppvement there eras P Possibility of the sewer Pnd gps mains Plong
<br />Olive Street also settling causing the caving in of the sewer end the ges msin joints
<br />thus enuring Leaking gas, -rhich might cause disaster to those In the immediate neighborhood.
<br />Therefore, on Account of the seriousness of these conditi.ohe if they did. Pctuplly exist, the
<br />council took irrmedipte pctidn by Appointing a co,,-, ittee consiting of the levrers And Drains
<br />Committee of the Council, 'the City Engineer, the Superintendent of Streets, a, representation
<br />of the Gas Company end also three members of the citizens representing the people of the St.
<br />Adelbert Parish. This committee was instructed to make immediate investigati.on and the. Depart-
<br />ment of Public 'Norks and the GFs Company to mFke such i _ red.iet e repairs th?.t might be found
<br />necessary.
<br />The next dFy this committee met et she location in question and made a. careful investigation
<br />The three membe s of the Sewers end. Drains Committee, the City Engineer, two ?riembers of the
<br />Street Department Pnd also two members of the Citizens' Committee, -kr. Stanley Kujpwa and John
<br />B. Sneadecki mp-de a tour of the five foot concrete sewer for a distance of F block end a half
<br />on Olive Street adjoining the -property of St. Adelbert's Church and school Pnd also a half
<br />block south of Grace Street.
<br />The entire sefier, the distpr_ce investigated, did. riot show .,.ny indications of settling er cav-
<br />ing in Aid all joints seemed to be solid with,one or two exceptions. There was one joint
<br />found ebout 150 feet to the south of Grace Street where the c_ ement hnd. broken avrey And the
<br />lap joint hr-d become exposed for a distance of Pbout 8 or 10 inches and ihich vans, Above the
<br />water line. There urns no indications of any seepage from the outside. o make sure of the
<br />condition at this - point, the street rps opened to see if them, might be a cave in "but the soil
<br />wes found. to be solid =end no indicpt ions •of leFkpge or danger of the sewer settling.. The open
<br />joint wrs ordered cemented from both the outside and inside In order to prevent -ny further
<br />trouble at this point.
<br />After the investigation of the sewer, the condition of the gas mains wss checked. The Bo?rd
<br />of Works instructed the Gas Company to test A11, gcs pipe joints. They opened up the street
<br />at P11 joints Plong the St. Adelbert's property end found no indications of Fny leaks or .cove.
<br />ins around the gps Pipes. The Gas Company to mpke sure of eny further trouble reinforced each
<br />joint with pn extrh bell collar which would prevent Pny possible breaking of the mpin.s in the
<br />future. All the trees And. 1 ^wn§ near the curb line were checked And no indications of exc ^ping
<br />gas on the curfp:ce of the ground. were found,
<br />The Depprtment of Public Works instructed the street DepYrtwent to Flso clepn the serer froti
<br />the N. Y. Central R. R. trpcke to the south for e distance of at least two blocks to the north
<br />of Grace Street and. to inspect All joints in order to be assured that the sewer,, in the entire
<br />neighborhood of the St. Adelbert's Parish, showed no indications of open joints or settling.
<br />After your committee's investigation ps reported above, we isish to assure the people in the
<br />neighborhood of the St. Adelbert's PE, ish thr:t both these -Ner Pnd gas mains in Olive Street
<br />in this vecinity are 0. K. and should have no further fesr that there hts been any dempge done
<br />by the settling of mucky soil.
<br />Respectfully submitted,
<br />Dr. Mex J. i a.l i ck i
<br />Guy A. Fish
<br />Williem Rasmussen
<br />Councilmen James moved thrt spid•rFport be acoepted. and placed on file. Councilman P licks
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Chambers suggested that copies of report be sent to the people that brought said
<br />condition before the council.
<br />Oomm,unicption from South Bend NrTotorcycle Club asking for information and regulF:ti-rns govern-
<br />ing rpcing Pt P1^ylpnd Prrk wes reed,
<br />Councilmen Goetz moved th -, t the -city Attcrney drPw an r-rendment to the Racing Ord it ance cove
<br />ins motorcycles for next r?ondpy, TAarch 2�th. Couci.lmand Kerner seconded the motion. Curried.
<br />