<br />SCU'TJ-T BE10, INDT! YA
<br />February 9, 1938'
<br />To the City Council of South Bend.
<br />City Hall
<br />South Bend, Indi =,na.
<br />Gentlemen.:
<br />The South Bend Branch of the American Association of University Women, et its meeting on Jan-
<br />uary 2 -th, voted to petition the City Council of South Bend requesting that it create s. Hous-
<br />ing Authority pursuant to Section. 4, Article b of the Acts of 1937. Enclosed herein is the
<br />petition.
<br />The urgency of the housing problerl, for femilie s of low income is obvious. Many are living in
<br />substandard and slum houses at this time, creating serious he °lth and social conditions. These
<br />conditions at the seme tirr:e give rise to unneces.spry expense to the taxpayer in jail, crime,.
<br />and delinquency costs, in hospitnlization, tuberculosis costs, extra required police nro'tectior.
<br />etc. The evils of bad housina- effect the vc'r_ole con ;mun.JLty. ThereforP, this housing situe.tion
<br />for those of low income Is a community probler.i. The rerltors admittedly ca:nr_ot meet the needs
<br />of thisr ^.».r of people et. even cost. They should not be expected to so provide. Seventeen
<br />communities in Indipnn h^ve already essumed their responsibilities and created Housing Authori-
<br />ties.
<br />The South Bend Breach of the Ameri.c?n Associn..ti.on of 7n.iversi.ty Women has made en exhaustive
<br />study and e_onsu?_trtion rel?tive to our 1ccrl situation. It feels that a Housing Authority shoo_
<br />be established whose duty rculd be to see tha t our local low income group is so housed a.s not
<br />to constitute a community menace or health hazard anal, in the interests of democracy-, to make
<br />possible a good citizenry.
<br />The enclosed petition has met with wide response from meny groups in our community. Represer..te.
<br />tives of widel ;, differing viewpoints have agreed upon the need of e Hcusing Authority. Their,
<br />along 'Pith th.e Americ ^n ,Association of Univ(.rsi ±y Women 'Pill. a'Pait ,it.h expectancy the crer:-
<br />tion of Housing Authority. Ycu m, =y be .assured of our continued efforts to the
<br />public or_ the value of vocd_ housinw anal of the supr)ort of our orge.nize.tion In the creation of
<br />P, Housing .Authority. Sincerely~ yours,
<br />Helen Oernbach., President, South Bend Pre
<br />Americen Association of University "omen
<br />(-ears W. A) Ger,ivieve B. Hambiey
<br />Cha'�rmen of Social Studies Committee
<br />(1�rs . A.) Miri.s.m ivtelgrim
<br />Chairmen of Housing 8tud.y Group
<br />South Bend, Indiana, Ja -nuery 25th, 1938
<br />To" the Hon. George W. F'reyerinuth
<br />Mayor of the City of South Bend, end
<br />To the City Council of Said City:
<br />Gentlemen;
<br />Ie the undersigned citizens of South Bend, Indian,, respectfully petition that a Housing
<br />Authority fo.r the c'.ty of Seath Bend, St. Joseph County, Inds nf, be crested, rs provided. for
<br />by er. Pct ' of The Indiana Genernl Assembly, 1937.
<br />The Basis of o1ir spreal rests upon the premise thpt
<br />1. The housing situation in this community is crit!C 1.
<br />Families are living in houses which have beer, condemned by +he Board of Health. Man-
<br />others ere living In surroundings which mey contribute to epidemics, r.gpirst which
<br />safeguards should be provided at once. Better houses are not etilable to such families.
<br />2. The Act above referred to, Sec. 4, rrovides Chet The determination as to whether
<br />there is such need for an authority to function (b) shall be made by the 97overni.nv body
<br />upon the filing of a petition signed by twenty —five residents of the City, town or county,
<br />as the case :nay- be,
<br />3. The local Ch ^pter of the American .Association of Universi ty Women, has lcoked
<br />carefully into this siturt ion, and advise that this action be taken. This activity as
<br />to housing falls lo;icPlly within the scope of their activitiesp
<br />( 73 signers)
<br />Co ncilmr?n Fish moved thet said resolution be referred to the Hcusing Committee for their
<br />reort back to the council and consult to ell people interested. Cour_cilma,.n Palicki seconded
<br />the motion_. 1 }otion serried.
<br />The following resolutions fpvoring the Housing; Program 'Pere filed.:
<br />South Bend Industrial Union Ccuncil .C.'`I. 0.
<br />Workers Allinrce Local #69
<br />#917 United Electrical Radio & .MI. oTkers
<br />'omens Consumers League
<br />united Toy & Toy Furniture Worker- L. I. lr-
<br />International Workers Order
<br />1600 members of Oliver Local #167 A. W. A.
<br />The Women's Au.zillary No. 41 of Berdix Local #9
<br />Councilman Fish moved that the above resolutions be referred. to the Housing Committee and that
<br />they make s report as eerly as possible. Councilman Goetz seconded. the motion. Motion
<br />c "rri.ed.
<br />irej
<br />Ech
<br />