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02-14-38 Council Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
02-14-38 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 14th, 1938 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council met in the Regular session in the Council Chambers <br />in the City Hell, Mondpy evening Februsry 1.4th., Ft the hour of 7:45 P. M. All members were <br />present except Councilrnnn James and Kerner. President Hull presided. The reading of the <br />minutes were dispensed with. <br />REPORT OF THE C0MMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend.: #3243 <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom wt s referred An Ordinance definding and prohibiting <br />dishonesty end offensive conduct in the streets and public places in the Citq of South Bend <br />and providing a penalty therefore ann fixing a tire for spme to take effect. <br />Respectfully report that they <br />reported fY vorpble as tmende•d. <br />The report wps accepted ty the <br />PETITION: <br />hpve examined the matter Fnd that in their opinion should be <br />Geo . W. Goetz, Chn i rrinn. <br />council and ordered pl.nced on file. <br />Tyr. Wm. Bierwhgen, Councilman, Second District. <br />We, the undersigned property holders and residents on Studebaker Street end Birdsell Street., <br />(between LaPorte Avenue and Fessnecht Street), p.et_ition you to grade alley and cinder it, the <br />alley running -north and south between Studebaker and Birdsell Street. This sl?ey is in hor- <br />rible shape and ct times it is almost impossible to get out of our gare.ges. <br />The girding of this alley hes been requested almost a year ago. Will you kindly- expedite grad- <br />ing of said alley? <br />NAME <br />Chester Minchowski <br />Frank Kopinski <br />Adolph Dutrieux <br />Camiel Monserey <br />MrTtin ly-backi <br />Frank BlAnkert <br />Frank B. Klimek <br />H. A. Schmitt <br />Paul Pulaki <br />Leo 7. Grzesk <br />`Tpryan Kurdys <br />Leo Kw^sniewski <br />Nary Dobecki <br />Benedirkt Pr jhk <br />Councilmen Goetz moved that <br />seconded the motion. Motion <br />I AN17UAL REPORT'S: <br />STREET AND NO. <br />F17 Studebaker <br />615 Studebaker <br />611 -.N. Studebaker <br />1417 Fassnacht Avenue <br />616 Birsell Street <br />624 N. Birdsell Street <br />626.N. Birdsell Street <br />606 N. Birdsell Street <br />602-N. Birsell Street <br />6Cq Studebaker <br />628 - Birdsell Street <br />63&N. Birdsell Street <br />613.,V. Studebaker <br />607 Studebeker Street <br />sp id net it i or go to the Board of <br />carried. <br />Public Works. Councilmen Fish <br />Mayor's Ve ssage <br />0 ty Cl erk' e Off ice <br />City Judge <br />Board of Park Commissioners <br />Councilman Chambers moved that the said ennuel retorts be e.ccepted and placed on file being <br />each councilmen has copies. Rasmussen seconded the motion. Votiori carried. <br />REPORT OF TFE CITY CONTROLLER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />Balance on Hand First of Month - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- 1100,244.?�6 <br />BFlance on Hand Jenuery 31, )_938 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11:075,0431.53 <br />Respectfully Submitted, Chas. F. Zillmer, City.Controller. Councilmen Gharrhers moved that <br />said report be eccepted end placed on file. Councilmaen Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />ORDI`?ANCE NO ' 3243 a s Pmended <br />An Ordinance defining and prohibiting disorderly ?rid offer_;ive conduct in the streets <br />-nd Public places in the City of South Bend and providing a. penalty therefore end fitting a <br />time for same to teke efi'eet. <br />The ordil4nce was given its third reeding by title and was pleced upon its ps_sssQ e and. <br />pissed by the following; vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierregen, Fish, Chambers, Rasmusser, and Dr. <br />Palicki. .7 ~yes. 0 nays. Ordinance amended. <br />ORDI7 ANCE NO. 3244 <br />An Ordi_nrnce appropri ntin_ the sum of Four Thouspnd Dollars ($4,000.00) from the General <br />Fund of the City of South Bend to Account #79 under, the Board of Public Health for the payment. <br />of Vedicnl Inspection -for food operators in the City of South end. <br />The ordinarce was given its first reading by title, its second. re,d.inr- in full end on <br />motion of Councilman Chambers was tabled. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. Ordinance tebled. <br />ORDI -AYCE NO. 3245 <br />An Ordinance regulptino all mstter;s concerning or pertaining to the employment, classifica- <br />tion of service, ccmmens^tion, rroviding• for e retirement- Pensi ^n system for employees r)f the <br />City of South Berd, Ir_diPna, send a persannel Bop rd and defining i +s rowers ^r.d. duties <br />to a City employees merit system. <br />The Ordinance wes given +e first reading b�. title, and on motion of councilmen Chnmbprs <br />the second reading of ordinance was deferred, as each councilman received. a copy. Councilmen <br />Bierwap7er. seconded the motion. ',lotion carried. <br />Councilman Goet, moved that said ordinance go to the Ordinance Committee for further study. <br />Councilman Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />( 0 V E R °) <br />
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