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CENTRAL LABOR UNION OF SOUTH BEND <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA <br />103 "vest LaSalle Avenue <br />Whereas: It has always been the purpose of organized labor to raise the standard of living for <br />the American working man <br />and 'Whereas: City end Municipal Governments often set the standard of wages in theft individual <br />comeltilunities <br />and Whereas: The standard of wages in our South Bend Police, Fire and Signal Station Depertment •_. <br />is below the standard existing in 1930. <br />and Whereas: Living_ costs for employees .of these departments has increased equal to, or above <br />the living costs of 1930. <br />Be it Resolved: That we the orgpnizations affiliated in the St. Joseph County Trades & Labor <br />?OAP, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By Bendix Local #9 U. A. W.. A. and the combined wage committee � <br />6outh <br />of the pfilice, fire and electrical depertments of the City- of Bend that the honorable <br />rRayor of said city, members of the Board of Safety of. said city i9nd the members of the Common <br />Council of said city be and they are hereby memorialized end requested to properly estpblish e <br />splpry schedule for the members of sa=id departments for the year 1938 upon the level of the <br />1930 salpry schedule by the enactment and approval of such ordinances as may be rece °scary to ef- <br />fect the esteblishment of spid salaries.and that P cop., of the proposed ordinance <br />the combined wage committees of the said departments be end the same is heT•eby submitted to spid <br />officers. <br />Thomas J. Jeffers <br />Pres. Bendix Local #9 <br />C ^uncilman Bull moved thpt spid resolutions be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Council -I <br />mpn Bierwaoen seccrded the motion. <br />C�ancilmpn Hull moved to emend. his motion to re-ed th -t said resolutions be referred. to the Fees <br />end Sa.l.rries Committee =end thpt they report beck to the Committee of the Whole. Councilman <br />Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />CaMUN2 CATI ONS : <br />• <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY BUILDING 'TRADES COUNCIL <br />IN AFFILIA�-'ION v'VITH <br />BUILDING TRADES DEPART14ENT <br />AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR <br />Labor Temple 103 W. LaSalle Ave. <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />s. <br />July 26, 1937 <br />To the Hon. Mayor, <br />The City Council, end <br />The Board of Public Works: , <br />Greetings; <br />It-has come to our attention the Police end. Firemen ere,-at this.time, asking for an in- <br />crease in wages. <br />We,beleve these city employees should be given p wage corrensurate with the responsibility <br />of their positions. <br />We es tpxpeyers, are concerned with the safety of our fpmilies and homes end it is.p <br />known fr:ct that employees paid a proper wage Pre more conscientious in the performance of their <br />duties. <br />Now, therefore, Be it Resolved: <br />This Council, of the building trades of St. Joseph County, does go on record in support <br />of the increpse asked by the Police and Firemen of the city of South Bend end a committee st- <br />tend the meeting of 'the Common Council to assist them so far as it may be within our power. <br />A copy of this Resolution to be sent to Mary Taylor, City Clerk. <br />Signed for the St. Jos. County Bldg. <br />Trades Council, <br />J. J. Prendergast <br />Donald Mason <br />Rufus Poehler <br />• <br />James Smith <br />Resolutions Coa,:;ittee <br />INTERNATIONAL UNION UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKERS OF AMERICA <br />LOCAL NO. 5 (STUDEBAAKER) <br />SOUTH_ BEND, INDIANA <br />July, 9, 1937 <br />Whereas, The salaries of the personal of the police, fire, end electrical departments of South <br />Bend, Indiarp, are not commensurate with the salaries of like departments of other <br />cities of like size in this State, end <br />• <br />Whereas, The cost of living has risen to a remarkavie degree resulting in increased finercipl <br />responsibilities for the personal of these departments, therefore <br />Be It Resolved.: That the Interneticncl Union, United Automobile Workers of America;, Local No. 5 <br />(Studebaker Union) do,,her.eby, support the personal of the Police, Fire, end ELectric'el <br />Departments of the City of South Bend, Indies, in their effort to secu! e s selp.ry <br />schedule eauP1 to the selpry schedule ppid to such personal in the year 1930. <br />Signed: <br />(seal) Russell J. Merrill Pres. <br />John Szabo Jr, Secretary <br />Approved, in a regular meeting of the Internetion?l Union, United. Automobile Workers of Americp, <br />Local No. 5 on July 9, 1937. <br />CENTRAL LABOR UNION OF SOUTH BEND <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA <br />103 "vest LaSalle Avenue <br />Whereas: It has always been the purpose of organized labor to raise the standard of living for <br />the American working man <br />and 'Whereas: City end Municipal Governments often set the standard of wages in theft individual <br />comeltilunities <br />and Whereas: The standard of wages in our South Bend Police, Fire and Signal Station Depertment •_. <br />is below the standard existing in 1930. <br />and Whereas: Living_ costs for employees .of these departments has increased equal to, or above <br />the living costs of 1930. <br />Be it Resolved: That we the orgpnizations affiliated in the St. Joseph County Trades & Labor <br />