This makes a total of 120,000 hour for truck drivers and common labor in the Street Dep
<br />ment compared with 115,577 hours for the year 1936 or an increase of 4,423 hours.
<br />Sever Department :
<br />Salaries.& Wages, regular, 2 Foremen 0 $5.00 per day, reduced from
<br />(Estimsate d number of days from 325 to 304)
<br />Gasoline, reduced from 600 to 500
<br />Oil, reduced from 1120 to 190
<br />Tires & Tubes $200 to $150
<br />rEngineer ng Department:
<br />Assistent-Engineer, no change��xt�aii��x
<br />Gasoline, reduced from 0250 to $125
<br />Building Department:
<br />Assistant Bldg. Comm., no change
<br />Sslsries,& Wages, temporary, reduced from $600 to $300
<br />Police Department;
<br />Salaries &
<br />Patrolmen,
<br />Wages, regular
<br />eliminate 4, reduced
<br />162,000
<br />12,364
<br />to $154,800.
<br />Salaries &
<br />Wages, temporary, reduced from
<br />to Nothing
<br />Fire Department
<br />-
<br />Salnries &
<br />Eliminate
<br />Wages, regular ,
<br />5, reduced from
<br />W7,200
<br />to $179,200
<br />Electrical
<br />Salaries &
<br />Department:
<br />Wages, temporery, reduced from.
<br />$525 to
<br />$100
<br />Gasoline,
<br />reduced from
<br />$300 to
<br />$250
<br />$3,250 to $3,04o
<br />All other items in the budget are approved,
<br />The receirts, other thanloxes which includes excise tax and gasoline taxes and the in-
<br />creased fell collection of property tax, will supply sufficient funds to meet the budget as re-
<br />duced and approved.
<br />Public officials shaould not fail to do their full duty and aim to keep the cost of gov-
<br />ernment within proper limits.
<br />Philip Zoercher, Chairman
<br />Attest:.
<br />S E C R E T A R Y
<br />I� C. A. Ketchum, Secretary Iof the State Board'of Tax Commissioners, do hereby certify that
<br />-the above end foregoing is a full, true and complete copy of the order as made by this board
<br />ins the ebove'entitled matter on this the 24th day of November, 1936.
<br />Witness my hand and the seal of this board on this, the 24th day of November, 1936.`
<br />C. A. Ketchum
<br />Secretary
<br />Councilman Chambers moved to dispense with the reading sl.nce each councilmen has a copy and
<br />that said be placed on file. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion {ce.rried.
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />December 7, 1936
<br />To the Common Council
<br />City of SotLth Bend, Indiana.
<br />Gentlemen: .
<br />The City Plan Commimion begs to make the following report of progress toward the actual
<br />fulfillment of the Council's wishes as set forth in its resolution of April 27, 1936.
<br />The City PZen Commission is aware - that -a comprehensive Master Plan for the city of South
<br />Bend and the immediate suburban areas will necessarily be of graduel development, and as-the
<br />lnw provides that it may be prepared and adopted in parts, it is logical that such parts of
<br />the Master Plan as will come into earliest application be first prepared and put into operation,
<br />then to this may be added subsequent portions as they reach the proper of development.
<br />A Master Plan for a city of the size and character of South Bend should embrace not less
<br />than the followIng:
<br />Official Map of the City.
<br />Official map of the sub —urban areas within the territorial jurisdiction of the Commission.
<br />Major thoroughfare plan.
<br />Secondary street plan.
<br />Subdivision regulations.
<br />Comprehensive zoning.
<br />Continued land use and occupancy studies.
<br />Application of available traffic studies to the thoroughfare plan.
<br />Housing studies Pnd recommendations.
<br />In addition to the above, the 1935 City Plan Law requires that the Master Plan also pro-
<br />vide for:
<br />A continuous improvement program extending ten' into the future.
<br />