In the event that lack of funds prohibits appropriations for the full. amount of this pro-
<br />ject, we urgently request that you give consideration to that part of it rel 'Sting to Lincoln
<br />Way 'Nest between Willimn and Olive Streets. This is an important traffic artery, the route of
<br />U -.S. highway No. 20, and one of the most hazardous areas in South Bend.
<br />We recommend the immediate installsticn of signal lights at Blaine, avenue and Johnson
<br />Street, and the changing of overhead liehts at Cushing, Wilber end Olive Streets to standprd
<br />curb -type signals. The estimated cost is $1,750. This would give six signals in the mile and
<br />one half, each anproximptely five'blocks apart, thus permitting syncbronizaticn of the liwrts.
<br />It would mepn A positive speed control over the Area. A study of the accidents which are occ-
<br />urring on Lincoln Wey West with awful frequency shows that such control will beyond doubt reduce
<br />the n.ui►ber of accidents Appreciably.
<br />We respectfully submit that the loss being suffered by the community in traffic accidents
<br />on Lincoln Way West justifies every effort to reduce their number. This project carries our
<br />most urgent endorsement in the belief that the savings in property damage alone will pay South
<br />Bend for the improvement within a year. Attached is a summary of accident facts pertaining to
<br />Lincoln Way West which demonstrate that this improvement should -be undertaken without delay in
<br />the interests of public safety.
<br />Very truly,
<br />S.H. Civic Safety Council.,
<br />by. Executive Com%,ittee.
<br />Signed --
<br />- Paul G. Hoffman, chairman
<br />Councilman James moved that the City Attorney be instructed to dray up an ordinance fpr appro-
<br />priating $1i750 in regard to the Civic Safety Council letter. Hull seconded the
<br />motion. Notion carried.
<br />We, the undersigned, being the owners of fifty -per cent. (50%) or more of the lend in the
<br />District hereinafter described in the City of South Bend, present our petition duly signed and
<br />acknowledged to the Common Council of the City- of South Bend, requesting a change in the re-
<br />gulation prescribed District be changed from Residence District to "C" Commercial District.
<br />That part of a city% block lying north of the New York Central right of way,
<br />South of Lincoln Way East, East of Miami Street and West bf Marine Street,
<br />or any -pert thereof.
<br />for the follov trw reasons:
<br />Thet it mould preserve end increase the value of such property and would make it prefiteble
<br />for the erection of filling - s- tations and other small businesses of like character within such
<br />District.
<br />IN ?FITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set out hands on or before this 28th day of September,
<br />1936. (35 signers)
<br />SS:
<br />ST. JOSEPH CO?iNTv
<br />Before me, James F. Thornburg, a Notary Public in end for the County of St. Joseph, State o
<br />Indiana, all end every of the above and foregoing parties whose signatures are affixed to the
<br />above petition to the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiena, acknowledged the ex-
<br />ecution of the above and foregoing petition and their signatures thereto on or before this 28th
<br />dny of September, 1936.
<br />James F. Thornburg
<br />Notary Public
<br />May commission expires:
<br />March 23,_ 1940
<br />Councilman Goetz moved said be referred to the Zoning Board. Councilman Bierws,ven seconded the
<br />motion. Motion carried.
<br />In the Matter Determining Additional Appropriations for extra funds for repair of City Hall and
<br />Colfax Bridge: also spproprin-ting and. transferring of monies from one account to another all
<br />under the Park Board.
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />October 6th, 1936
<br />I, Miry B. L. Taylor, City Clerk of the City of South Bend, Indiana do hereby certify that a
<br />copy of the atteched notice was published in the South Bend Tribune and the South Bend NeW84 ;Times
<br />two daily newspapers, on the 25th day of September and the 2nd day of October, 1936, both publ-
<br />ished in the City of South Bend, In_diane, also that I have posted notices in the follo0x.g places:
<br />to-wit:
<br />In the Corridor of the City Hall, South Bend, Indiana.
<br />In the Corridor of the Court House, South Bend, Indiana..
<br />In the alley in the rear of the Court House, South Bend, Indiana, all being public places
<br />in said City.
<br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto se6 my hand and affixed the Seal of the City of South Bend,
<br />Indir,na, this 6th day of October, 1936.
<br />Mary B. L. Taylor
<br />The report was accepted by the Council F,,nd ordered to be placed on file. 'lotion carried.
<br />