<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the
<br />Regular Session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Monday evening May 25th, 1936, at
<br />the hour of 7:30 P. M. All members were present. President Fish preoided. Councilman Goetz
<br />moved that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with. Councilman Bierwag<
<br />seconded the motion. Moti..n carried.
<br />A letter from the State Board of Tax. Commissioners wes -recd in regard to the fearing that
<br />will be held in the county auditor's office on May 18th, et 3:00 P.M., regarding'addtional
<br />ppproprlptions for the city of South Bend, Indiana. Councilman James moved that it be filed.
<br />Councilman Goetz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />end affirmation
<br />A letter/ from the State Board of Tax Commissioners were read in regard to Ord >na:nce No -3157
<br />appropriating $7,491.00 for the purchase of real estate and materials for the Riverside Park Way
<br />Project. Councilmen James moved that they be filed. Councilmen Goetz seconded the motion.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />A letter from the State Board of Tax Commissioners was read in regard to the hearing thet
<br />(will be held in the County auditor's office on the 27th day of May, at,10 :30 A.M., regarding-
<br />additional appropriations for the city of South Bend, Indiana. Ordnance numbers 3153 and 3155.
<br />Councilman Chambers moved that it be placed on file. Councilman Jaynes seconded the motion.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />it
<br />A letter from Mr. Moomaw was read in regard to a petition for lot #1 and lot #2 in Elias
<br />Rupel's First Addition to the city of South Bend, Indiene, thet was referred to them May 11th,
<br />Councilman Goetz moved that it be p leced on file. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the motion.
<br />Motion carried:
<br />We, the undersigned, hereby petition the council of the City of South Bend,,;to take immediat
<br />action in regard to certain conditions now existing in River Park, listed as foltows:
<br />1. The public dump on the river bank between 34th and 36th streets creates an intoler-
<br />able condition of dust, loose papers and other air -borne trash. Trash is even
<br />dumped in the street, Further, its unsightly appearance seriously decreases the
<br />value of all adjacent - property.. It is the only portion of the north river bank
<br />not cleened up under the current 635,000 dollar W.P.A. project. This portion of
<br />the bank should be cleaned up, dumping pro #ibited end the general appearance mede
<br />to conform with other portions of river bank beautification projects ffiow being
<br />carried out both in South Bend and on the South bank, by Mishewekp.
<br />2. In thpt no other park e.rea is available to the neighborhood, we ask that a petitior
<br />previously submiitted by the residents of this section, asking that this land be
<br />condemned and converted into a park and playground be reconsidered.
<br />3. We ask that consiceretion be given to the zoning ordinance and that, Hamm, the
<br />Wrecker, be forced to vacate the present property at the foot of 36th Street, The
<br />property as now used is in violation of the present zoning ordnance and constitute
<br />a public nuisance. -
<br />4. In the summer of 1935 the top surfacing of several streets in this vicinity was
<br />removed, with the result that some alleys & streets are nearly impassable, end all
<br />are extremely dusty.. It is our opinion that this removal permitted the water main
<br />to freeze last winter with -a resultant inconvenience tosll property holders. We
<br />..ask that such streets be resurfaced in accordance with good practice and that they
<br />be greded properly and at sufficient intervals to maintain them reasonably free f
<br />ruts and chuck holes.
<br />5. Street lights should be installed, to properly .light this area.
<br />52 signers )
<br />Councilman Hull moved said petition be referred to the Board of Public Works. Councilman Goetz
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: con-
<br />Your
<br />ProvidingoforOrthe$ licensingnandwregulationdthereof ;nfixingetheifees�forrsuch� licenses
<br />the manner of obtaining such licenses and revoking the same, and prescribing penalties for
<br />viol. eti on
<br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion should be
<br />tabled. Geo. W. Goetz, Chpirmen.
<br />The report was accepted by the Council end ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your committee of the Whole to whom was referred An Ordinance regulating traffic upon the
<br />public streets of the Cit of South Bend, Indiana., and all other ordinances and sections of
<br />Ordinances in annflict herewith.
<br />Respectfully report--that they have examined the matter and thet in their opinion should be
<br />recommended favorably to-the council. Geo. W. Goetz, Chairman.
<br />The report was accepted by the Council and ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />A report of the W. P. A. activities End expense for the month of February, 1936 was read.
<br />Councilman Goetz moved s -id report be referred to the Committee of the Whole and give the entire
<br />council an opportunity to digest report. Councilmen Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motl on car'
<br />57
<br />X
<br />____ _ 4,17
<br />B lance on Hand first of Month - - - - - - - - - - - _
<br />643,9
<br />Balance on April 30th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -C- - - - - -
<br />Respectfully Submitted, Fred Woodward, City Controller.
<br />I
<br />ed.
<br />69
<br />