January 27th, 1936 REGULAR MEETING
<br />_ MIITUTED -
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana•, met in the
<br />Regular Session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Monday evening January 27th, 1936, at
<br />the hour of 7:40 P. M_ All member were present except Councilman Kerner. President Fish pre-
<br />sided. Councilman Goetz moved that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed
<br />with. Councilman Bierwagen seconded the motion.
<br />South Bend City Council,
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />of South Bend
<br />St. Joseph County, Indiana
<br />103 Pest LaSalle Avenue
<br />October 28, 1935
<br />Attention of the Clerk
<br />The Central Labor Union of South Bend, Ind., representing approximately twenty thousand
<br />workers in this community, has gone on record as endorsing the proposed General Ordinance, pro -
<br />viding for inspection of ell barber shops, and the licensing of all barbers in the City.
<br />When this Ordinance comes before your honorable body, we urge you on behalf of organized
<br />labor, to rive this matter your earnest and carefull consideration.
<br />Yours truly,
<br />Irs E. Gift
<br />Recording Secretary
<br />Councilman'James moved that the communication be placed on file. Councilman Rasmussen seconded
<br />the motion.
<br />A letter from Richard J. Jackson was read and Councilman Goetz moved that said communicattori:be
<br />placed on file. Councilman Rasmussen :seconded the motion.
<br />January 27, 1936
<br />Per your request of last Monday night that I should report in regards to snow removal, I
<br />wish to state the following.
<br />In 19332 1934, end 1935 your Honorable Body appropriated from $5,000.00 to 08,000.00 for
<br />temporary salaries and weges, which was used for snow removal, weed cutting and other emergencies,
<br />When I set up the 1936 budget I included an appropriation of'M 000.00 for °temporary, salaries,
<br />and wages so that we could have a, fund to meet any emergencies that occurred during 1936. One of
<br />the members of the council- made a- motion - that- this be stricken from the budget end at the time
<br />made the statement that he prayed to God that we would have no snow in 1936.
<br />You gentlemen will recall that in the budget that was originally set up I ask you $56,000.0
<br />for salaries- and wages r �gular which you ser. fit- to cut to x'75,,000.00. The State Tax Board cut
<br />this item an °additional 5,000.00 which brought the amount down to $70,000.00, which was 'a de-
<br />crease of x$1,0.65:00 from lest years budget, including both temporary and regular salary accounts.
<br />Last year `approxlmately $3,200.00 of the temporary wage fund was used for cut -ting weeds,
<br />and the bPlPnce,..or $1,500,00, wns used for snow removal after the heavy storm - -of December 23rd.
<br />From the lst td the 4th of January this year my department spent $871.64 for snow removal
<br />on Michigan St, from -its regular salary and wages- account. This sum gives you an idea of wbtnt
<br />it costs to do this work. Since that date we have--had one of the heaviest, snow storms since 1929.
<br />The Street Department -has been using its regular force of 25 men for snow removal and hauling
<br />and spreading cinders since this last storm - started.
<br />t Your Honorable BodyY will recall that the budget finally approved -by the State Tax Boards
<br />:called for the sum of $43,646-.92 for labor. This broken -down in the number of men that can be
<br />=hired allows me to hire 41 meii, -the year around. As-you ° know, during the - winter months we do not
<br />'use our sweepers, graders, - eT)hFlt kettles; or do asphalt, - concrete, or brick pavement maintena nc
<br />kwork. Therefore during the summer I must have additional men to carry on the functions of my
<br />depArtment. If this money is spent for snow removal the city roust suffer with dirty streets and
<br />11practically no maintenance of the pavements during' the summer and fall months.
<br />I will be glad to answer any questions you may wish to ask me if-You desire further informa
<br />tion on.this subject.
<br />The report was ordered to be placed on file.
<br />Respectfully submitt4d,
<br />J. C. Weer
<br />Commissioner of Streets
<br />f-
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