<br />WInereas the Bo�id of Pliblic Wor,%,p pnd Orfet-,,.-, of the Cit-,. of
<br />-n-orted. to trip Co-.-mcil thpt it C'esi-res for the s^Ie of
<br />I belon-Frinm to the srid City, w-1-A-ch rro^ert�,,- is situr-ted. on lots 19
<br />tior, Ind hps requested thiq Cr%uncil to netiti= the Jud� - ,-e of St
<br />PT)-noint r-morpisers to P-o-orpise P^io ners -)ro-ert-v.
<br />South Bend, has re-
<br />certpin nerscnc-1 nror�erty
<br />Prd- 20 it •'s Pyd. Ar9di-
<br />Josenh lircuit Court to
<br />b the Co-..-,,,• -.on Co -,ncil of the Cit- of So,'),th Bend ir(�i rnp
<br />70-r, therefore, -,e it resolved b7
<br />thpt the Judpre of the St. Jope,)I. C-1,,.)rt be r-n-(', is herebv i-ecues +erj to ortroint tl,ree
<br />disinterested ',
<br />free--old.ers of city to to r rl e p -
<br />of the o- erty described it the
<br />of t-,is resolution.
<br />list or exhibit hereto Pttpche(f.. end --o'e �� -0�-�Tu -1-
<br />Adopted t, is 3rd dev of Se-oteTber, 1-033
<br />Geo. ',,7 Goetz
<br />.
<br />OF T77 CO"701Y CCITITCIL
<br />J-
<br />LIST C P77�S� -.1kTAL PRCP7'R1TY
<br />C' 3E POKAGOIN ST--'--r-.,T
<br />(for Y. Strep-
<br />At 112 W. Pokr.gon Street:
<br />two story brick veneer
<br />six roo i c5i7ell-7_ng', lrit'h
<br />two c-r frpnie gprn-ve Pt
<br />At 116 'vi. Pok= -g•-.n Street:
<br />t (U.S.#5I-) Orei-AnO
<br />th
<br />r er, r
<br />(Est per A. Kruep;er)
<br />Two story fr7-• ,;.ie
<br />six roo--.-r, dl-elling;, wit'--- -opth
<br />t,-.-o c-r frt---e
<br />7t re ,-r
<br />(Core STindler, et,-I)
<br />On '-Toti�7,n of Council,-mrn Ch tubers the Resoluti-r! Ir'-s Fdo-pted. 9 to 0.
<br />On 11oti-r, of Cojncil--m;,r- t'le Co--Jncil rd'-jour--ned ft 7:55 o'clock P. Potion cprried.
<br />ATTEST
<br />CLT-Rr-
<br />