September 3rd, 1.935
<br />MINUTES.
<br />Be It re-membered. that t'-,n-e Common Co--ncil of the C-J--,!-,v of South Bend, T,ndi!=nr-, met in the
<br />TuesdPiT evinir-��- September 3rd,
<br />Specie! Session in the Council C-"-%n,lber-,- of the Cit� HrTl, 1935
<br />resent except Councl--- n J e s r
<br />Pesidert T-Tull
<br />Pt the hour of 7:30 01c7ock P. T-T All T�-emibers, nz-
<br />i
<br />rresided.
<br />C-1' CO' . jTCIL
<br />To the ' ember- of the Co-:-nomon Council
<br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana:
<br />You ere hereby notified, th,-t under rr--d -kbi; virtue of the autn , ority by 1p-,. vested A.n me h.s
<br />M-yo• of the City of South Bend of the Stpte of Indirnp P special meetin- of t�e Ccn.11mon
<br />Council of s-,id. Citj,-, is hereby celled to be held T=t the hour of 7:30 O'clock P.'T., or Ps soon
<br />thereafter rp convenient, on Tuesd^y eve-nin ' P, Se- Member 3rd, 193F5, in the Council Clh.n-hers in
<br />said City, for the rur-nose of considerine, the ResoTlution bT7 the Bo- rd. of Pifbll c Works rr.-d Safety
<br />thpt the Common Council request the Jud5e of the St. Jose-oh Circuit Court to P--,0o1-nt-PT)-0rPisers
<br />to Pnnrt--ise the build-1-nPP ,aeon nro-perty cc-ndernred- by th-is board. under its Ccrdemr,-ti-on, Resol-,,Itiny
<br />Yumber 24Fi.
<br />And rn!'(zo degirep rermlssion to sell cent -1_r -oprPc-rPT T)rorerty beTor--ii' ^rr to the C,-.7 of South
<br />re.oueptel
<br />Bend, Trhich -or-perty is situpted on lots 19 Pnd PO in Lee- eTP 2T.d Ad,.-',itio-t�, Fne. hr -) U p
<br />this Council to -cetition the Judge of St. Jc-e-r)h Circl.--,,it Cc,-)Tt to nr-Oinit to er-orpl, e
<br />srid -)ersonf-1 -or-perty.
<br />Dated. this 3rd d_P-,T of Serte-flbeT, A. D. iq7r�.
<br />Geor,-e ,7,. Frevermuth
<br />�1-yor of the of South Bend
<br />Ind.
<br />Countersigned:
<br />Mary B. L. T-,!_lor
<br />City �Ilerk
<br />- 11
<br />The within cpll carne to hpnd tris 3rd dpv of Se-otembeT A.D. l877- ,/n -1:ic-1'i I served by -re7,d-
<br />ing the S iii P. to --c'_i Cc)uncilin,'n, u-�)o ri- the drte desi�,Tn,-ted l,s follo"A's:
<br />RPSOLUTI-11T:
<br />-LIO!L-rd of Publ-1-C 'forks BE IT RESOLVED, By the rd Safety thl't the Common Council reqii.est the
<br />Jude of the St. Joseph Circuit Coi�tt to nrioo,:nt to �)-py)T-!--Pe the
<br />i c h b u. i T r9 il r
<br />pronertV c c, n d e -rin e d by this under -on Rescluticn 1-1-�aniber
<br />(9-,er its
<br />become the property of the ''itv uioon -oll—rent for the reel e-tnte u-pon 77,-.-"ich the q?- ,e ^re sit-upt-
<br />-o--2?t l7ei,eof.
<br />ed and a list of 7,-��ich buIldir,F,:7s !,-re hereto --tt:ncl-,.ed --n6 -,,-tpd..e F
<br />Adonted trIis 2Pth d,-y of Aug pct ,
<br />-Frederick J. Anderson
<br />Fre-15 1qcod1,TFrd
<br />Bol--r(9 of Public 'W1orkF,, end Safety
<br />M X X12MUMEa -,G&, ry, M11j;%hy, T�- VX)UjqkXXy&-X-
<br />)Ox�b�
<br />'y j YY bV W a X X X) MX I a
<br />List of Personal Pro-,erty
<br />on Pok�aron Street
<br />(for 1�7.
<br />^L 'et
<br />At 112 17- Poknp-on Stj-eet:
<br />two StOTV, brlc,-' Ve-nee-r
<br />six roo,-, Cwellin7 7, -Ith b-t1q- two c7--T frr-llple , Pt renr
<br />(rpther A. Kr--17e,er)
<br />At ilF W. Pok^P-r S+reet:
<br />two story,- fr!77^ne
<br />C 5 -n,7,
<br />t•o C-T frp-e 7rTr-7e
<br />(Corp
<br />On Moti-n of Come j-l.j----n Kerner the Res
<br />br, t h
<br />rear
<br />slrird_' - er , et!-,]
<br />olutior -,Tps rdo-oted. 9 to 0-
<br />•
<br />0
<br />•
<br />•
<br />•
<br />Geo. W. Goetz
<br />On Se-ot -
<br />3,
<br />1935
<br />Dr. r Pplickt
<br />On Se- , pt.
<br />3,
<br />10,35
<br />F. L. Chpnbers
<br />On Se-rt .
<br />3,
<br />l P 35
<br />Geo. Full
<br />Or_ Sept -
<br />3,
<br />1935
<br />Fred G. Kerner
<br />Or, Sept.
<br />3,
<br />1075
<br />7,7-nn. E. Rromiussen
<br />On Sert.
<br />7)
<br />jq 7z r,
<br />G, 'j-y A. Fish,
<br />On Sent.
<br />'Arm. Biervrt-g en.
<br />Ors Se-,t.
<br />.11
<br />195
<br />2nd by lepvinF
<br />r, certified corny thereof Pt
<br />the 1pst and usurl
<br />-11ince of residence of such me -tubers
<br />Ps I rep unt--ble
<br />to find, Ps fc1lor's:
<br />Dated tqjs
<br />3rd dpv of September, 1077.
<br />-r
<br />.oczoy roip Iri
<br />Pnd Tholrnder
<br />7', "B 7 a
<br />S C 7 T Ti z, E7 . ° D POLICE D7PT.
<br />The re-oort of the OP1.1 for S-pecipl lVeeti-1-p-
<br />of the C-�,,j7,cil
<br />nrcce-n-ted by the C,��,-Ircil c-nd order-
<br />ed. to be nlpced
<br />on file. Mlo-14-on earned -
<br />RPSOLUTI-11T:
<br />-LIO!L-rd of Publ-1-C 'forks BE IT RESOLVED, By the rd Safety thl't the Common Council reqii.est the
<br />Jude of the St. Joseph Circuit Coi�tt to nrioo,:nt to �)-py)T-!--Pe the
<br />i c h b u. i T r9 il r
<br />pronertV c c, n d e -rin e d by this under -on Rescluticn 1-1-�aniber
<br />(9-,er its
<br />become the property of the ''itv uioon -oll—rent for the reel e-tnte u-pon 77,-.-"ich the q?- ,e ^re sit-upt-
<br />-o--2?t l7ei,eof.
<br />ed and a list of 7,-��ich buIldir,F,:7s !,-re hereto --tt:ncl-,.ed --n6 -,,-tpd..e F
<br />Adonted trIis 2Pth d,-y of Aug pct ,
<br />-Frederick J. Anderson
<br />Fre-15 1qcod1,TFrd
<br />Bol--r(9 of Public 'W1orkF,, end Safety
<br />M X X12MUMEa -,G&, ry, M11j;%hy, T�- VX)UjqkXXy&-X-
<br />)Ox�b�
<br />'y j YY bV W a X X X) MX I a
<br />List of Personal Pro-,erty
<br />on Pok�aron Street
<br />(for 1�7.
<br />^L 'et
<br />At 112 17- Poknp-on Stj-eet:
<br />two StOTV, brlc,-' Ve-nee-r
<br />six roo,-, Cwellin7 7, -Ith b-t1q- two c7--T frr-llple , Pt renr
<br />(rpther A. Kr--17e,er)
<br />At ilF W. Pok^P-r S+reet:
<br />two story,- fr!77^ne
<br />C 5 -n,7,
<br />t•o C-T frp-e 7rTr-7e
<br />(Corp
<br />On Moti-n of Come j-l.j----n Kerner the Res
<br />br, t h
<br />rear
<br />slrird_' - er , et!-,]
<br />olutior -,Tps rdo-oted. 9 to 0-
<br />•
<br />0
<br />•
<br />•
<br />•
<br />