<br />Police Pension
<br />Citizens Trutt & Saving-s
<br />4,664.51
<br />Track Elev?tlon
<br />First Bank & Trust Co.
<br />3,2F9.14
<br />Wpter Works Sinking -
<br />First Bank & Trust Co.
<br />•17090/12.7S
<br />General Sinking
<br />First Bank & Trust Co.
<br />5,797.10
<br />Cemetery plaint.
<br />First Bank & Trust Co.
<br />1,064.79
<br />Hosr_itel
<br />-
<br />First -Bank & Trust Co.
<br />8,6g5.65
<br />Municin?1 Airport
<br />Citizens Trust & Savinzs
<br />973.67
<br />W. W. ?.deter Dept.
<br />Union Trust Co.
<br />56,090.59
<br />Merchpnts Nati_cnal
<br />12,000.00
<br />Spec. Del. & Def. Assess.
<br />Citizens Trust & Srvin=rs
<br />12.66
<br />132.66
<br />3
<br />First Bank & Trust Co.
<br />34,526.49
<br />Contractor,ts Imp.
<br />St. Jose -oh Loan & Trust
<br />36,510.14
<br />Barrett Lew
<br />First Bank & Trust Co.
<br />1441645.02
<br />Merchnnt s National
<br />10, 656.;'4
<br />Citizens Trust & Savings
<br />11,509.95.
<br />11,509.95
<br />First Nat'l Bk. of Mishewaka
<br />75,000.00
<br />First Tr. & Say. of Mishprnaka
<br />75,000.00
<br />Depository Int.
<br />Barrett Levi Preppy Mfierchpnts Natienel 15,030.73
<br />Cash in Drewer
<br />3,957.50
<br />(TOTAL $161,4o5.go $9232'302:36
<br />Balance On Hand first of lAcnth 555 Qg2.4(
<br />Balande 14py 31st, 1835 is 1,054;711. 2E
<br />Respectfully Submitted, FredWood.ward, City Controller. On Motion of Councilman Fish, the report
<br />wps accepted end ordered to be rlpced on file. Moticn carried.
<br />ORDIN YCE N0. 1� 13
<br />An Ordinance rppronri?ting the sum of $50,000 from.the General Fund of the City of South
<br />Bend. for the purpose of acauiring the land taken from property owners, and the damages sustained
<br />in the oneninQ7 of North Michigpn Street from North Shore Drive to the City Limits of said City
<br />of South Bend, Indipna.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and plpced upon its passege and passed
<br />by the following vote: Hull, Bierwpzen, James, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and Pa7_icke.
<br />Ayes 7 NRYS 1. Ordi.npnce Pdonted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 13 15
<br />An Ordinance appr_opripti_n_ the sum of $500.00 from. the General Fungi of the City- of South
<br />Bend to the Electrical Depprtment, re -opir of Buildings Account No. S -5 -A, for the purpose of
<br />laying e new roof on the fire alarm station in the City of South Bend., also trpr_sferring7 the
<br />sum of $500.00 from the regular salpries of Police Fund P -1 to the Generel Fund of the City of
<br />South Bend.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and placed. upon its pessage and passed
<br />by the following vote: Hull, Bierwagen, James, Kerner, Fish, Rpsimussen, Chambers and Pplicki.
<br />'dyes 5 Nays 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />RDIN41'CE NO. J� 16 (ps amending)
<br />An Ordtnpneq transferring the sum of $5,700.00 from the Delinquent and Deficit .Account of
<br />he City of South Bend to the General Fund of the City of So.i'th Bend, and. appropriating from said
<br />ener ^1 Fund the sum of $4,200.00 to the Salaries Fund for Barrett Lary Help:Account D -3, end also
<br />ppropripting the sum of $1,500.00 from the Generai Fund to the Record ?nd o=plies account for
<br />Barrett Law Equipment whichraccotant is No. D -7 -A.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reeding b17 title, and pleced upon its ppssage and pessed
<br />y the following vot6: Hull, Bierwpgen, James, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers and Pelicki.
<br />hAyes 5 Nays 0. Ordinance adopted as amended.
<br />An Ordinance ratifying end, confirming e contract entered into.between New Jersey, Indipna
<br />*Pnd Illinois Railro?d Company and the Board of Public Norks of the City of South Bend, Under the
<br />Opte of-June 3, 1935.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reeding by title, its second reading in full ?nd on
<br />Voticn of Councilman James wes referred. to the Committee of the "hole. Motion Carried.
<br />An Ordinance provid *,.ng for the inspection. of Motor Vehicles.
<br />The Ord.inar_ce was given its first reading by title, XXXXXKXXXX and Cotihc lman Chambers,
<br />rade the moti-n to suspend the second reading Councilman Bierwap-en seconded the Motion.
<br />Pn rioti -n of Councilman Kerner wes referred to the Committee of the Whole. lotion carried.
<br />n Yotion of Councilman Bierwrgen the Council adjourned at 9 :50 o'clock P V. Moti ^n carried.
<br />L ERK - - - - - -� ; _ S I DET ?T
<br />* Each Councilman hpd a copy of the ordinance.
<br />