reported Favorable ?s amended, by striking out Section I. William BierwaP_,an, Chairman. the
<br />eport was accepted by the Council.
<br />o the Common Council of the City of South Bend; �n- Ord.inance approving a. certain sales
<br />Your Committee of the thole to whom w =s referred
<br />ontract entered into between. the Board of Public Works of the City of South Bend, Indiena and
<br />Elgin Street Sweeper Company of Elgin Illinois, Dated April First, Nineteen Hundred ive. Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the
<br />eid Ordinance should be reported Favorable as amended, by striking out the words "General Fund"
<br />o reed O9treet. Department Motor Account 724 - I - 15. William Bierwngen, Chairman. The
<br />eport was accepted by the Council.
<br />RDINANCE N0. 13 03
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of $4,500.00 for the purpose of satisfying 2 judgment
<br />in the Marshall Circuit Court against the city of South Bend in favor of the Reith -Riley Qon-
<br />truction Company.
<br />The Ordinance n�ac given its third reading by title, and placed upon its passage and passed
<br />by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierw2gen, James, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and
<br />f alicki. Ayes 9 -Nays 0.- Ordinance adopted as amended.
<br />` RDINANCE N0. 13 04
<br />An Ordinance Sog contract entered into between
<br />Board of Public
<br />orks of the City of South Bend, Indiana, endthe ElginStreetSweeper Company of Elgin, Tllinoi
<br />j• ated- April First -, Nineteen- Hundred Thirty -Five.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and placed upon its passage and padsed
<br />by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierw? wen, James, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and
<br />alicki. Ayes 9 Nays. Ordinance adorted as amended.
<br />E
<br />An Ordinance to emend Pn Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to regulate and restrict the
<br />ocatzon of trades, callings, industries, commercial enterprises, and the loc�iton of buildings
<br />esivned for specified. uses; to regulate end limit the height of buildings hereafter erected
<br />r altered; to regulate and determine the are? of yards and other open spaces about buildings;
<br />I o regulate and determine the density of use of land end lot areas, and for said purposes to
<br />divide the city into districts and prescribe penalties for the violati n of.its provisions and
<br />o provide for its enforcement end n board of zoning appeals ", being Ordinance No. 2331 approved
<br />rune 26th, 1923.
<br />The Ordinance rps given its first reading b- title, its second reading in full en.d. on
<br />.lotion of Councilman James was referred to the Zoning Board. Motion_ carried.
<br />0 THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF the City of South Bend, and the CITY PLAN 00118�ISSION of the City of
<br />outh Bend.
<br />4
<br />I�
<br />3entlemen:
<br />We, the undersigned property owners, being the owners of fifty percent or more of the
<br />(frontage on the West side of Main Street between Navarre Street and the alley extending East
<br />Pnd West from Main Street to LaF2yette Bouleverd, between Navarre Street and Marion Street in
<br />the Citv of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiena, respectfully petition and ask an emendment
<br />to Ordinance No. 2331, approved June 26, 1923, commonly referredto as the "Zoning Ordinance"
<br />of the City of South Bend, entitled "AN ORDINANCE to regulate and restrict the location of
<br />ffixtidixgx trrdes, callings, industries, commercial enterprises, and the location of buildilngs de
<br />'signed for specified uses; to regulate and limit the height of buildings hereafter erected or
<br />''altered; to regulate and determine the arep of yards and other open spaces about buildings; to
<br />',regulate and determine the density of use of lend and lot areas, and for said purposes to divide
<br />the city into districts Pnd nresecri_be penalties for the violation of its provisions and to
<br />',',provide -for its- enforeement'and a board of zoning appeals ", by charging the district from a
<br />B residence district to C. Commercial district, and C. height and area district to F height
<br />and Prep district.
<br />And respectfully show that the South half of. the block on both the East and West sides of
<br />Mein Street, is now zoned as reauested in this petition, and that the part that is is desired:
<br />to change would be more salable and. useful with the change made, and submit herewith a proposed
<br />!amendment conforming with this petition. FRONTAGE
<br />NAME
<br />'S ^uth Bend R.Zed.icel Labor®tory
<br />By R. L. Sensenich Pres.
<br />J. C. Barrett
<br />'Fred W. Martin
<br />!, We, the following property owners, whose property fronts on the South side of Navarre
<br />'Street between_ Main Street and the first alley West of Main Street, consent to the T)8ssage of
<br />of the above mentioned. amended ordinance.
<br />South Bend Medical Laboratory
<br />By: R. L. Sensenich, President
<br />Clere E. BonDuTent
<br />W.W. Dunkee
<br />On Motion of Councilmen James was referred to the Zoning Board. Motion carried.
<br />An Ordinance ratifying a contract entered into by and between the City of South Bend, India
<br />(through its Board of Public Works and the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company on April 15,
<br />1935,...
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on
<br />iMotion of Councilman Goetz was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Motion carried.
<br />WHEREAS, The American Legion Post No. 50 of South.Bend, Indiana, proposes
<br />'trace on the St. Joseph River Sunday afternoon, Allay ?6th, 1935, and
<br />WHEREAS, in order to effectually re23.ize any funds by reason 6f said boat race it is
<br />necessary to charge a small ad- rission fee to the piece and /or places of vantage along the
<br />(proposed route of said bopt -race; and
<br />WHEREAS, 3cNx JDERx IRx ExkkxftFMiSii�Nxi ]ggxtmx:kkaxWiargizxxxdimxxlz� & .axx in order to charge
<br />en admission fee to the place and /or places of vantage along the proposed route of said boat
<br />race it is necessary to control the _ingress to said place and /or places; and
<br />WHEREAS, in order to control the ingress to said places and /or places of vantage it is
<br />'Inecesanry to tempor?rily block off the ends of certain streets and /or avenues in the City of
<br />South Bend; therefore
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, that by and with
<br />the consent of the Board of Public Safety and the Board of Park Commissioners of said City, the
<br />American Legion.Post No. 50 is hereby authorized end permitted to block off for a.tempornty
<br />period on S-.,nday Mey 26th, 1935, the South ends of South St. Louis Boulev =rd, South St. Peter
<br />Street, South Notre Dame Avenue, South St. Francis Street, the South Eddy Street entrance to
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