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,surin your Honorable Body of the Committee's highest esteem and consideration, an <br />`thanking you in advance far your za favorable action with respect to the subject t of this <br />communication, I remain.Respectfully yours, John S. Buczkowski, Chairman, Gen. Joseph .Heller <br />Committee. On Motion of mlCouncilman Altfeld the Communication 3oa was accepted and ordered to <br />be placed on file. Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION. INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN JOHN. C. HISS. • <br />.BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, that the Council z <br />accepts the invitation of the Gen. Joseph #caller Committee to attend the official receptiomn to <br />the General on Sunday afternoon March 25, 1934 at the Court House in South Bend, and to partici <br />pate in the other functions in connection: with the General's visit; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor issue a roclmamation calling upon the Citizens of <br />South Bend to display the American Flag on March 24 and March 25, 1934 in honor of General Jose h� <br />Haller and that the citizens aid the.disabled and invalid Americans of the Haller army by <br />acquiring the Haller pins. <br />On Motion of Councilman Hiss the-Resolution was adopted.,Motion carried. <br />PETITION. <br />To the Honorable Council of the City of South Bend Indiana <br />February 9, 193 • <br />tlex, the undersigned Property Owners, owning- better than 7510 of and, living in what is <br />known as a JIB" (Residence) and "B" Height and Area District, located in the Fifth 'hard, Third <br />Precinct are petitioning the Honorable Council to change the District bounded on the West,_from <br />the First Alley East'of Fellows Street; the First Alley North of South Street, the Middle of Ru h <br />Street to the East and the First Alley, North of Sample Street and the South,- to be changed to a <br />40 (Commercial) and "Ell Height and Area District. <br />The purpose of this petition is to give us a much needed want in our immediate neighbor —hood. <br />We shall appreciate your favorable consideration of this petition. Thank you. ( 15 signers) On <br />Motion of Councibnan Rokop the Petition was referred to the City Plan Commission to report mbac <br />to the Committee of the Wholes also that a Public Hearing be held March 12th, 193.4 at 7 :30 otc; ck <br />'P. M: Motion carried: <br />P <br />J=.' 162 1934. <br />ft, 40 <br />=W_-"* low <br />t <br />-. <br />1 <br />Y - <br />Signsrs On of �:t�cnan': ripe t e etition was referred to , B�ard-if Health. <br />Motion carried <br />REPORT OF THE -CITY CONTROLLER 'OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1933. <br />Balance on Hand First of Month r......... ..........' ................. 194,736.29 <br />Balance Dec. 31, 1933- ........................... ....................:2031514.55 <br />Respectfully Submitted, E. J. McErlain, City Controller. Toe report was; accepted and ordered <br />to be placed on file. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred A Communication from W. R. Hinkle, Mayor,. <br />concerning the resignation of C. A. Budd, as President and member of the South Bend Board of <br />Public Safety, and also toadopt. an- Ordinance placing Seca 8, Chapter 233 of the Acts of 1933 <br />See page 233) <br />:.:....:....... <br />