rt „Y
<br />South- Bend, Indiana, December 11th, 1933.
<br />I, Gladys M.-Monroe, City Clerk of the_ City of South Berm., Indiana, do hereby certify tAt a
<br />oopy-of the attached notice was posted December 1st, 1933 in the following places,, to -wit:
<br />In the Corridor of the City Hall, South Bend$ Indiana, -2n the Corridor of the Court House,
<br />South Bend, Indiana, On Telephone Pole at the South East Corner of Lincoln Way, West, and North
<br />Walnut Streets, South Bend, Indiana, all being Public Places in said City.
<br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto-set my hand and affixed the Seal of the City of South
<br />Bend Indiana, this 11th day of December, A. D. 1933. Gladys M. Monroe, City Clerk. ( Official
<br />Seal ( Seef files for-Notice) The report was accepted by the Council and ordered to be placed
<br />on file. Motion carried. -
<br />Td the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the whole towhom was referred An Ordinance Regulating Beauty Shops and
<br />Beauty Schools. Respectfully report that they have examined the matter, and that in their opinion
<br />the said Ordinance should be reported unfavorable. Jno.` C. Hiss, Chairman. The report was
<br />accepted by the Council.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred An Ordinance Transferring certain Funds
<br />from One Sub- division to another Sub - Division in the Department of Public Safety. Respectfully
<br />report that they haven examined the matter, and that in their opinion the said Ordinance should is
<br />be reported Favorable. Jno. C. Hiss, Chairman. The report was accepted by the Council.
<br />Tonthe Common Council of the City of__South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred An Ordinance Transferring certain Funds in
<br />the Department of Health from One Sub - Division to another.Respectfully report that they have
<br />examined the matter, and that in their opinion the said.Ordinance should be reported.Favorable..
<br />Jno. C. Hiss, Chairman. The report was accepted by the Council.
<br />An Ordinance Regulating Beauty Shops and Beauty Schools.
<br />The Ordinance wasbgiven its third reading by-title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />was lost by the following vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop,, Goetz, Hull, Jaworski, ,Altfeld, Hiss,
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak,, Cripe. and Gustin, *Vzex3R;x1mT2zSS' Ayes 0, Nays 12, Ordinance Lost*.
<br />ORDINANCE N0. O�FO.`
<br />An Ordinance Transferring certain Funds from One_Sub- Division_to another Sub - Division in the
<br />Department of Public Safety.'
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Goetz, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss, Ir
<br />Oakley,_Grzeskowiak,Od 1 Cripe and M Gustin, Ayes 12, Nays 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINAXCE. NO 3o4l.;
<br />AhE7, Ordinance Transferring certain Funds in the Department of Health from One Sub- division
<br />to another.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and L
<br />passed by the following vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Goetz, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss,
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak, Cripe and Gustin, Ayea,,12, Nays O. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO, 302.`
<br />An Ordinance Transferring the sum of 075.00 from G2. Temporary.Services, to G7, Traveling `
<br />Expenses, within the Department of Law.`
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its secom d reading im full and on
<br />otion of Councilman Goetz, the Rules were suepnded by the following vote: Nelsonfl, Whiteman,
<br />Rokop, Goetz, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss, Oakley, Grzeskowialt, Z�Cripe and Gustin, Ayes. -12,
<br />Nays 0.' Rules suspended and Ordinanc& -goes to third reading'
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />assed by the following vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Goetz, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss,
<br />akley, Grzeskowiakv Cripe and Gustim, Ayes` 12, Nays 00` Ordinance adopted.
<br />RDINANCE N0. 3043.
<br />h An.-Ordinance Transferring certain Funds from One Sub!- Division to another Sub- Division in
<br />he /Prtment of Finance.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on Motion.
<br />f Councilman Goetz, the Rules were suspended by the following vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop,
<br />oetz, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss, Oakley, Grzeskowiak, Cripe and Gustin, x2lixg Nag Ayes 12,
<br />ays 0.' Rules suspended and Ordinance goes to third reading.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />assed by the following vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Goetz, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss.-Oakley.'
<br />rzeskowiak, Cripe and Gustin, Ayes 12, Nays 09` Ordinance adopted.
<br />(Concluded on page 222)
<br />