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ORDINANCE NO. _16 y t $ -78 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE PURPOSE <br />OF DEFRAYING THE EXPENSES OF THE YOUTH SERVICE <br />BUREAU "SHELTER ", A PROGRAM OPERATED THROUGH THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR <br />BEGINNING 7 -1 -78, AND ENDING 6- 30 -79, INCLUDING <br />ALL OUTSTANDING CLAIMS AND OBLIGATIONS, AND FIX- <br />ING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, THAT: <br />SECTION I. For the expenses of the "Shelter" of the Youth <br />Service Bureau for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1979, the following <br />sums of money are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart from fund 73. <br />The sums herein appropriated shall be deemed to include all expenditures <br />authorized to be made in said year, and shall be distributed as set forth <br />below: <br />SHELTER HOUSE BUDGET <br />7 -1 -78 thru 6 -30 -79 <br />Account <br />Description <br />Amount <br />110.0 <br />Salaries & Wages <br />$34,403.00 <br />Other Supplies <br />2 Counselors @ $7,550.00 = <br />15,100 <br />1 Relief Person @ 3.55/hr. = <br />3,692 <br />1/2 Secretary @ 8,081.00 = <br />4,040 <br />$10,188 <br />Shelter Supervisor = <br />11,500 <br />Insurance <br />TOTAL 100'S <br />$34,403.00 <br />213.0 <br />Travel = <br />300 <br />214.0 <br />Telephone & Telegraph = <br />11080 <br />215.0 <br />Car Allowance = <br />400 <br />220.0 <br />Utilities = <br />2,700 <br />230.0 <br />Instruction = <br />500 <br />251.0 <br />Building Repairs = <br />1,400 <br />260.0 <br />Contractual Services = <br />560 <br />262.0 <br />Medical Expenses = <br />100 <br />TOTAL 200'S $70,040.00 <br />363.0 <br />Other Office Supplies <br />= 200 <br />370.0 <br />Other Supplies <br />= 9,988 <br />TOTAL <br />300'S <br />$10,188 <br />510.0 <br />Insurance <br />= 50 <br />520.0 <br />Rents <br />= 4,500 <br />TOTAL <br />500'S <br />$ 4,550.00 <br />620.0 <br />Social Security <br />= 2,100 <br />630.0 <br />Perf <br />= 2,065 <br />640.0 <br />Group Insurance <br />= 1,200 <br />TOTAL <br />600'S <br />$ 5,365- MLED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br />721.0 <br />Furniture <br />= 500 <br />725.0 <br />Office Equipment <br />= 900 <br />1 9 <br />1st READING 7- d �(- %f <br />JUL carp <br />PUBLIC HEARING e- r Y -1 <br />TOTAL <br />700'S <br />$1,400.00 <br />2nd READING F(- 14 - 7 <br />p <br />Irene Gammon <br />HIM APPROVED <br />TOTAL <br />SHELTER <br />BUDGET <br />$62,946.00 <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH SEND, IND. <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED V-/q- 7 : SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />from and after its passage by the Common Council, approval by the Mayor, <br />and the fulfillment of all statutory requirements. <br />I signed only to provide an Member of the Co Council <br />opportunity for public discussion <br />and Council action on the issue., <br />