The additional $2,000.00 telephone and telegraph item is accounted for by the new telephone reportying system we have
<br />installed and which the chief tells me is working most efficiently.
<br />Another $1,150.additional budget item reflects the addition to our force of some new policemen.... the four - footed
<br />variety. As you know, we have added a canine corps to our department and while we like to keep these dogs hungry
<br />and alert, we still have to provide dog food and veterinary services.
<br />The increase of $1,150.00 under instruction on page 31 represents the cost of sending one of our officers for
<br />additional expert training to the FBI school in Washington. Again here, I call to your attention the savings made
<br />in supplies, equipment and housekeeping items in this budget as in all others.
<br />The Fire Department budget for 1962 calls for a decrease in expenditure of more than $87,500.00. You will note that
<br />here, too, as with the police department....there is an added $8,000.00 for longevity pay. I will at this time re-
<br />quest your body to delete $10,000.00 under item Q -711, page 36 of the budget. Thus, if you will move to delete this
<br />item, you will find that we have budgeted for no new buildings and building additions in the next year.
<br />Before continuing, I would like to take this opportunity of commending our able Police and Fire Departments. I think
<br />we can be proud of these men who provide these essential services to our community and I would rank them with similar
<br />departments of any city in the country.
<br />On page 37, you will note an increase in the budget of the department of weights and measures of $1,867.00. As you
<br />know, we have had a part time deputy in this department, but the state Inspector has ordered that, because of the
<br />additional work load, we provide for a full time deputy . This accounts for the increase.
<br />As we move along, on pages 39 and 41, you will note decreases totalling more than $11,000.00 on the Electrical
<br />Department and Department of Sanitation.
<br />Our Civil Defense Budget....on page 51.... is increased by about $4,500.00. As you know, a concerted effort is
<br />being made by Federal Officials to strengthen our civil defense preparations. In line with this, the Federal Govern-
<br />ment requested that we add an operations officer to the Civil Defense staff at a salary of $5,288.00. Again you will
<br />note that we have made a determined effort to offset at least part of this increase by cutting back on supply and
<br />equipment items.
<br />Our Street Department budget, pages 55 through 57, is under the Million Dollar Mark of last year .... almost $15,000.00
<br />under last year's figure. Most of the savings here is in reduction of requests for new motor equipment and savings
<br />in the road oiling program.
<br />I would like to request you gentlemen to further consider the amendment of reducing line 2 on page 64 by $27,000.00.
<br />I have worked with my department heads as late as early evening and find that we will be able to operate our street
<br />department for the remainder of 1961 on a lesser amount of money. I am pleased to suggest this to you at this time.
<br />Decreases also will be noted in the Traffic Department budget on pages 59 and 61, and the Park Department, pages 65
<br />and 67.
<br />The savings of more than $45,000.00 in the park department results mainly from a cutting of. $40,000.00 for land
<br />acquisition, plus other departmental expenditures that we have been able to trim.
<br />On page 71, you will see that the budget for the police pension fund is increased almost $44,000.00. The bulk of
<br />this, about $35,000.00 represents additional policemen becoming eligible for pensions.
<br />I might point out that, under the law, we are required to provide for these pensions whether the officer chooses to
<br />retire or not.
<br />On the other hand, the Fire Pension Fund calls for almost $7,900.00 less than last year. This is just the reverse of
<br />the Police Department situation, with fewer firemen becoming eligible for pensions.than last year.
<br />Despite the fact that we have stepped up the work of our City Planning Department considerably, the new budget calls
<br />for about $3,000.00 less than before. This decrease will not affect the scope of the work, but reflects again
<br />operational economies that we have insisted on across the board.
<br />On pages 83 and 85 you will find the Urban Redevelopment Commission Budget and the figures indicate an increase of
<br />more than $37,000.00. However, this needs some explanation.
<br />At the bottom of the list on this page, you will find a $12,000.00 item for appraisals. This has to do with the
<br />clearance work being carried out by the Commission. The $10,000.00 economic comprehensive survey covers a need that
<br />has long been unfulfilled in our community. We have been drifting much too long in our business development and are
<br />overdue for this kind of survey to help us set our sights on the future. Incidentally, I have received guarantees f
<br />the business community that it will match this $10,000.00 in order to get a really comprehensive survey made.
<br />Now, as for that $45,000.00 item for a comprehensive planning survey, at the time this budget was prepared, it was
<br />felt that this kind of a survey was vital to our economic welfare .... and also essential in making our city eligible
<br />for Federal aid in rehabilitation measures. However, since the budget was drawn, the Mayor's office and Urban
<br />Redevelopment decided to check Federal authorities in Chicago to see what assistance might be available. The result
<br />was that we have received their assurance that they will pay the cost of this important survey ... and so I am pleased
<br />to report that this $45,000.00 item can be deleted from the budget ... a savings of two cents on the tax rate.
<br />So, actually, rather than a $37,000.00 increase for the Urban Redevelopment Commission, with the deletion of this
<br />item, we will have a decrease of approximately $7,600.00.
<br />On page 89, you will find a completely new departmental budget ... The Fair Employment Practices Commission. This
<br />department was created under city Ordinance and the budget for its operation is a minimum one.
<br />I believe, Gentlemen, after going over each section of the budget, by the time that you reach page 54,line 2, there
<br />will be certain decreases which will affect the tax rate.
<br />In conclusion, I believe through the tenacious efforts of our entire administration, there has been submitted to you
<br />this evening a budget which at most will be a couple of mills more than the 1961 budget and I think with your
<br />cooperation, Gentlemen of the Council, it will be the same as last year. This I must say: With the benefits that
<br />we have in store for 1962 as set out in the budget, we can look back to this evening and say: "We have served our
<br />Community well ".
<br />