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<br />WHEREAS, the Linden Avenue Neighborhood Club met on the above date at the Linden School to discuss, the ar-
<br />ticles which appeared in the South Bend Tribune on January 17th, 1961, and on February 10th, 1961. The article of
<br />January 17th, 1961, proposed the clearance of some 160 acres in the Linden Area by Mr. Henry Sucher, executive
<br />director of the redevelopment program; and,
<br />WHEREAS, such a program would displace in excess of some one thousand families, home owners, tax payers and
<br />decent citizens, AND,
<br />WHEREAS, many of these homes in said area are homes of retired factory workers, who own these homes with no
<br />expense but up keep and taxes to pay out of their retirement income, and can live comfortably from such income, AND,
<br />WHEREAS, if this 180 acres is cleared, and these homes destroyed by the redevelopment clearance program, as
<br />stated in an article of February 10th., 1961, in the South Bend Tribune, and.these families are forced out of their
<br />own property, and forced to live in a housing project, and also forced to pay rent in such project from their retire-
<br />ment income, they would become displaced citizens of the United States of America, and would not be able to meet their
<br />daily needs from their retirement income, AND,
<br />WHEREAS, the citizens, tax-payers and home owners of this area are very much disturbed and upset over these
<br />publications in the South Bend Tribune on January 17th, 1961, and on February 10th., 1961, which said articles propos
<br />to seize and destroy their homes and property in the 180 acre clearance program of the redevelopment commission, and
<br />are opposed to such seizure and destruction of their homes and property.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the property owners and tax payers of this area go on record as oppos
<br />the redevelopment commission in this act of seizure and destruction of their homes and property in this proposed
<br />180 tract.
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of these resolutions be sent to Mayor Frank J. Bruggner, to Mr. Henry
<br />Sucher, executive director of the Urban Redevelopment Commission, to Mr. Martin Segal, Regional Director of the
<br />Redevelopment Commission, Chicago, Illinois, to Mr. Joseph T. Kroll, President of the Common Council of South Bend,
<br />Indiana, and to the South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana.
<br />/s/ Zilford Carter
<br />Zil£ord Carter, Chairman of the Neighborhood Club on
<br />Redevelopment
<br />Councilman Coleman made a motion that this Communication be accepted and placed on file and that a copy of same be
<br />given to the members of the Council's Urban Redevelopment and Housing Committee for their consideration. Councilman
<br />Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />A communication addressed to Fire Chief Andrzejewski was brought to the attention of the Council. The communication
<br />pertained to self - service coin - operated dry cleaning machines and the danger involved if no attendant was present
<br />during hours when the machines would be operated.
<br />Councilman Lehman made a motion that the communication be referred to the Board of Public Works and Safety and that
<br />a copy be sent to City Attorney Irving J. Smith, for his study and report back to the Council. Councilman Coleman
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Petition of Marjorie Drinski to rezone land in the 500 block of North William Street.
<br />Councilman Muszynski made a motion that the petition be referred to the City Planning Commission. Councilman Coleman
<br />seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Petition bearing 11 signatures requesting a street light in the 400 block of West Madision Street. Councilman
<br />Coleman made a motion that the petition be referred to the Board of Public Works and Safety for attention. Counci
<br />Allen seconded the motion. Motim carried.
<br />---------------------------- - - - - -- $3,772,738.88
<br />Balance on Hand first of Month------- -
<br />----------------------
<br />---------------------------------------- - - - - -- $1,246,684.48
<br />Receipts during month----------------------------- - - - - -- - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- $2,013,866.16
<br />Disbursements during month--------- -- ---- ---------------- - " - - "" -- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------- _-- _- ____- _-- ____- -___$3 005$57.20
<br />Balance on Hand January 31, 1961----------- ----
<br />------------------------------------
<br />Councilman Muszynski made a motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Lehman seconded the
<br />motion. Motion carried.
<br />February 9, 1961
<br />The Honorable Common Council
<br />City of South Bend
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />The attached petition of Northern Indiana Development Company, Inc., and Lowell E. Buschbaum to zone recently annexed
<br />land being Lots Numbered 73, 74, 103 and 104, as shown on the recorded Plat of Myer's and Funk's Third Plat of
<br />Chippewa Heights Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana, said real estate being more commonly described as a
<br />parcel of land 100 feet by 328 feet between Michigan and Main Streets, and immediately south of.Barbie Street
<br />(formerly known as Albert Street) in the south edge of the City limits of the City of South Bend, to "C" Commercial
<br />Use District and "A" Height and Area District was legally advertised under date of January 23, 1961 and given public
<br />hearing under date of February 2, 1961. The following acting was taken:
<br />