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1_1q <br />SPECIAL MEETING JULY 7, 1969 <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />July 7, 1969 <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in Special <br />Session in City Hall on Monday, July 7, 1969 at 8:09 p.m, in the Council Chambers, The meeting <br />was called to order by Robert 0. Laven, President. He instructed the Clerk to read the Notice <br />of Special Meeting Of The Common Council received by each Councilman. <br />TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL: <br />NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. <br />You are hereby notified that there will be a "Special Meeting" of the Common Council of the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana on the 7th day of July, 1969, at 8:00 P.M. local time, in the Council <br />Chambers, for the purpose of: <br />1. AN ORDINANCE FIXING MAXIMUM SALARIES OF APPOINTED OFFICERS AND <br />EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA FOR THE YEAR 1970. <br />The Chief of Police or any member of the Police Force is directed to serve a copy of this <br />notice to each member of the Common Council and make due return hereon. <br />Dated: June 24, 1969 <br />/s/ Robert 0. Laven, President, Common Council <br />/s /Kathryn L. Blough, City Clerk of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />The within call came to hand this 24th day of June, 1969, which I served by reading the same <br />to each Councilman upon the date designated, as follows: <br />zs/ Janet S. Allen <br />/s/ Fredrick D. Craven <br />Gerald Reinke <br />/s/ Albert E. Palmer <br />/s/ William W. Grounds <br />Walter M. Szymkowiak <br />John V. Wise <br />Raymond C. Zielinski <br />or by leaving a certified copy thereof at the last and usual place of residence of such members <br />as I was unable to find, as follows: <br />/.s/ Walter Szymkowiak <br />/s/ John Wise <br />ROLL CALL <br />/s/ Gerald Reinke <br />/s/ Raymond C. Zielinski <br />/s/ Forest L. Milbourn, SBPD #115 <br />Member of the South Bend Police Department <br />PRESENT: Councilmen Allen, Laven, Craven, Grounds, Wise <br />Palmer, Zielinski, Reinke and Szymkowiak <br />ABSENT: None <br />The Council then ,rent into the Committee of the Whole. Council President Robert 0. Laven turned <br />the meeting over to Councilman William W. Grounds, Chairman, who presided. The meeting was <br />called for consideration of the following Ordinance: <br />AN ORDINANCE FIXING MAXIMUM SALARIES OF APPOINTED OFFICERS <br />AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA FOR THE <br />YEAR 1970. <br />City Controller James A. Bickel showed transparencies of the Ordinance on a screen for the <br />benefit of those in the audience. Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary for the South <br />Bend Civic Planning Association, spoke for the directors and officers of the Association and <br />recommended various changes and eliminations. They recommended that information be presented <br />showing which positions, other than Controller, Engineer and Attorney, receive a second salary <br />from the utilities or public transportation corporation so that the total salary paid these <br />positions is known. They also noted that there were not any salaries set for positions in the <br />municipal parking facilities scheduled to be completed during 1970. Mr. Bickle explained that <br />when necessary, a salary winhe- established for the garage personnel,and will be done by <br />amending the salary ordinance. <br />