<br />2. Congestion already exists on this arterial and can be expected to increase without any change in land use.
<br />When a parcel is ideally suited for certain land uses it is the responsibility of the appropriate govern-
<br />mental bodies to carry out the necessary improvements to facilitate its use. The traffic improvements
<br />presented to the Council, in our opinion, will facilitate traffic movements and result in lessening of
<br />congestion while at the, same time presenting an arterial and street system properly related to the overall
<br />development pattern for the area.
<br />The traffic arrangement presented to the Council was designed to separate school and shopper traffic. There
<br />appears to be a greater danger to children under the present arrangement as a result of traffic attempting
<br />to bypass the congestion along Ireland.
<br />3. It is felt that the decrease in property values has already taken place as a result of the present pre-
<br />dominantly commercial land use pattern as well as the traffic: congestion. The addition of the Ayr -Way
<br />store under the conditions recommended should not have the effect of further decreasing property values.
<br />It should be pointed out that some consideration should be given to the effect of the negative decision
<br />on the property in question. When land is not suitable for the use permitted in the zoning district the
<br />property owners are deprived of the use of their property. Based on a study of existing land use and
<br />traffic conditions, this is the situation in this instance. The land is not suitable for single family
<br />use and will ultimately develop for non - residential uses. It may be, however, that as a result of this
<br />decision it may develop on a piecemeal basis and we will lose control of access which will further aggre-
<br />vate the present problem through the creation of a number of individual driveways.
<br />4. Reference to the promotion of public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general public welfare
<br />appears to be a general statement. It is felt that to leave the situation the way it is presently produces
<br />conditions which are detrimental to the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general public
<br />welfare.. It is felt the rezoning, on the basis of recommendations presented to the Council, will improve
<br />conditions relative to these points and at the same time produce a logical plan properly related to land
<br />use and transportation.
<br />In summary it is felt that based on a detailed study of existing land use, traffic volumes, turning movements
<br />and projected land use, the rezoning as requested is logical and feasible based on the recommended traffic
<br />improvement plan submitted to Council. The land is not suitable for uses permitted within the present zoning
<br />category and we can, therefore, expect rezoning requests on a piecemeal basis which will result in the loss
<br />of control of access and further increase turning movements and traffic conflicts.
<br />Normal increase in traffic volumes can be expected which will further increase the traffic problem which
<br />problem has already reached the point where immediate relief is necessary. The reasons for Council rejection
<br />of the petition verify the fact that the problems presently exist. The traffic improvement plan recommended
<br />addresses itself to the problem and at.the same time provides for the logical use of the land in question as
<br />well as the land to the west. The traffic improvements including widenings, channelization, signalization,
<br />and new street construction would greatly facilitate traffic movements and provide for a logical development
<br />pattern for the area. The present zoning on the property in question is not realistic and prevents the
<br />rightful use of the property.
<br />It is understood that the options on the land have now expired and that probably due to the rejection and thec
<br />elapsed time we do not now actually have an active petition before the Council. However, the above comments
<br />are still felt to be pertinent since thefuture land use pattern of the area will have to be faced in the
<br />near future. From a planning point of view the land in question gars well as land in the immediately surround-
<br />ing area will not become more desirable for single family use with the passing of time. On the basis of in-
<br />formation presently available, it is impossible to see other than office or commercial activity for the area
<br />in question as well as the area to the west out to U. S. 31. We are presently updating the City's planning
<br />program and in the area of land use cannot see how any updated land use plan for this area could justify
<br />single family zoning.
<br />Respectfully submitted.
<br />jsl John K. Wilson, Executive Director
<br />There being no objection, the report was accepted as read, and placed on file. Councilman Grounds made a motion
<br />that the action of the Common Council taken on the 9th day of September, 1968, in rejecting the adoption of
<br />a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 4990 by rezoning the following described real estate in the City
<br />of South Bend, Indiana, to -wit:
<br />Lots 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174,
<br />175, 176, 177, and the West fifty -three and eleven
<br />hundredths (53.11') feet of Lots 170 and 171, all
<br />as shown on the recorded Plat of Myers and Funk's
<br />Third Plat of Chippewa Heights Addition to the City
<br />South Bend
<br />from "A" Residential district use to "C" Commercial district use which ordinance was rejected by a vote of the
<br />Common Council (seven votes against passage and two votes abstaining on passage of said ordinance) be confirmed.
<br />Councilman Szymkowiak seconded the motion. The motion was passed by a roll call vote of 7 ayes, (Councilmen
<br />Allen, Craven, Grounds, Szymkowiak, Wise, Palmer and Zielinski) 2 nays, (Councilman Laven and Reinke) None
<br />absent. Councilman Reinke, at this time, said that he represents the Council with the Area Plan Commission
<br />and gave many reasons why he felt the Council wrong in their.decision. Attorney, F. Gerard Feeney wished to
<br />speak at this time. Councilman Laven said he felt the matter had been decided. Councilman Allen made a motion
<br />Mr. Feeney be given an opportunity to speak. Councilman Szymkowiak seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Mr. Feeney then thanked the Council for their decision in the matter.
<br />We, the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the Common Council of the City of
<br />South Bend, Indiana to amend the zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana as hereinafter requested,
<br />and in support of this application, the following .facts are shown:
<br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at the Southwest corner of Logan Street and Marshall Street
<br />in the City of South Bend, Indiana.
<br />2. The property is owned by Don M. Newman and Mary L. Newman
<br />Yeager Motor Co.
<br />