<br />onsidered to be a legal bid. He indicated that perhaps that amount should not have been shown on
<br />he bid tabulation sheet for that reason. Mr. Roman Kowalski, 802 Birchwood, wondered why the
<br />uantity of chlorine was not shown on the agenda. Mr. Farrand stated that the ordinance contained
<br />hose figures and the figures were a matter of record. He stated that 60 -2,000 pound containers of
<br />iquid chlorine were to be purchased in truck -load lots of 10; 10 -2,000 pound containers of liquid
<br />hlorine were to be purchased in single lots; and 20 -150 pound cylinders of liquid chlorine were to
<br />e delivered as needed; and 125 tons of hydrofluosilisic Acid were to be delivered in tank truck -
<br />oads.
<br />ouncilman Serge made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded by
<br />ouncilman Horvath. The motion carried.
<br />$1,150.00 FROM ACCOUNT 223.0, "HEAT ",
<br />his being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and
<br />pponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Floyd Jessup, Manager of the Morris Civic
<br />uditorium, made the presentation for the ordinance. He indicated that he desired Council approval
<br />f a proposal from Slutsky - Peltz Plumbing and Heating for a maintenance contract on the heating and
<br />ir- conditioning system at the auditorium in the amount of $1,150. He stated that this item was no
<br />ncluded in the 1973 budget because last year the equipment had been under warranty. He stated tha
<br />he item was inadvertently excluded from the budget for 1974. He concluded by stating that the fun s
<br />re available as there was a $4,975 balance in the Heat Account.
<br />r. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, wondered if the engineer
<br />mployed by the city at the Morris Civic Auditorium could perform the necessary service. Mr. Jessu
<br />tated that he has employed a maintenance technician; however, this was a service that would be per
<br />ormed twice a year in the spring and fall and would involve the shutdown of the equipment and
<br />hangeover for the air - conditioning in the summer and the heating in the fall. Mr. Evans asked if
<br />ther proposals for this service had been obtained. Mr. Jessup stated that Slutsky - Peltz were the
<br />ontractors who installed the equipment and were quite competitive. Mr. Evans wondered about the
<br />vents held in the Morris Civic Auditorium, and Mr. Jessup stated that there have been 43 perfor-
<br />ances the first half of this year. He stated that income from the rentals so far this year was
<br />18,331.50, an increase over last year. Mr. Leo Wallisch, 446 LaPorte Avenue, wondered if the
<br />uditorium made any money last year, and Mr. Jessup stated that the total income for the year had
<br />een $32,000 with a budget of $58,000.
<br />ouncilman Horvath wondered if there would be enough money left in the Heat Account for the remaindi
<br />f the year if the requested funds were transferred, and Mr. Jessup stated that he felt sure the
<br />alance would be sufficient. Councilman Horvath asked why the contract for maintenance was not bid
<br />e stated that this was normal procedure for the city. Mr. Jessup stated that, if this was what the
<br />ouncil desired, he would advertise for bids. Councilman Kopczynski asked about the contents of the
<br />greement. He wondered if this included any gases, and.Mr. Jessup answered that the contract only
<br />ncluded the switching over of the equipment for summer and winter uses. He explained briefly what
<br />he maintenance would include. Councilman Kopczynski felt the person in charge of operating the
<br />quipment should be able to handle the maintenance of the equipment. He wondered if there was a
<br />ontract let annually on the heating and ventilating system at the Municipal Services Facility, and
<br />r. Rollin Farrand, Director of the Department of Public Works, indicated there was not; however,
<br />e stated that perhaps the Morris Civic Auditorium had a more sophisticated unit. Councilman
<br />opczynski recommended that the ordinance not be approved because he felt the person in charge of
<br />he equipment should handle the maintenance for same. Councilman Serge stated that he felt, as lon<
<br />s the city was not paying the individual to handle the air - conditioning and heating, he should not
<br />e responsible for service on the equipment. Mr. Jessup agreed with Councilman Serge. He stated
<br />hat the insurance companies say that the whole boiler system should beshut down and checked each
<br />pring and fall. He stated that his employee was only a general maintenance man. Councilman
<br />zymkowiak stated that many other companies let these types of contracts and still employ an
<br />ngineer. He could not see any problem with having Slutsky - Peltz service the equipment. Councilmai
<br />arent stated that the Council has no way of knowing whether or not the engineer is qualified. He
<br />elt this sort of questioning about employees was unfortunate and not called for. Councilman Tayloj
<br />elt the Council should delay the matter and receive another competitive bid as was normal practice
<br />e so moved, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. Councilman Parent wondered if a delay would hurt
<br />he operation. Mr. Jessup stated that it would not; however, Slutsky - Peltz had come in at the
<br />tart of the cooling season to put the equipment in operation. Councilman Kopczynski wondered
<br />bout the charge of the services for the cooling down system, and Mr. Jessup stated that the amount
<br />as $552. Councilman Kopczynski wondered why the Council had not been approached to approve the
<br />ayment, and Mr. Jessup stated that he did not think he needed Council approval for the item. The
<br />otion to delay the matter, and the second to that motion, were withdrawn.
<br />ouncil President Nemeth made a motion that the ordinance be referred to the Finance Committee,
<br />seconded by Councilman Taylor. Mr. Walter Lantz, Deputy Controller, stated that he wished to clari:
<br />the matter. He indicated that both line items were within the same major classification and Slutsk,
<br />Peltz could be legally paid out of the Heat Account without Council approval according to the State
<br />Board of Accounts. Council President Nemeth suggested that perhaps the committee could also check
<br />into that matter. The motion carried.
<br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and
<br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director of the Department of
<br />Public Works, explained that the residents on Cambridge Drive had petitioned to have the sewers
<br />installed under the Barrett Law project. He stated that the city's portion of the project total
<br />cost was $5,599.93 or 50 %.
<br />ncilman Szymkowiak made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded by
<br />ncilman Serge. The motion carried.
<br />