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TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />I. Agreement. These Terms and Conditions shad be incorporated by reference and <br />shal prevail as the bass of the Client's Agreement to Abonmarche. Any Client <br />document or communication in addition to or in conflict with these Teams and <br />Conditions shall be subordinate and subject to these provisions. <br />2. Execution. Abonmarche has the option to render this Agreement nul and von, I <br />R B is not executed within they (30) days of delivery. <br />3. Clew Responsibilities. The Client wig provide al ailerb and information <br />conceming the requirements of the Project. The Client wig assume responsibility <br />la bterpretatlon of contract documents and for construction observation and I <br />wig waive all claims against Abonmarche that may be In any way connected, <br />unless Abonmarche's services under this Agreement include full-time <br />construction observation or ni at contfactor's piummance. <br />4. Perfomance. The standard of care for services performed by or provided by <br />Abonmarche wit be the care and MINI ordinarily used by Abonmarche's I <br />profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the <br />same locality. Abonmarche makes no warranty, expressed a implied, with <br />respect to any services provided by Abonmarche. Abonmarche wig not be <br />Ili for any claim, damages, cost, or expense (including attorney's fees) or <br />other lablly or loss not directly and safety caused by the negligent acts, enask <br />or onsol of Abonmarche. <br />5. Hourly igloo Raes. If payment s on an hourly rote, Client will pay Abonmarche <br />al the current hourly billing rates. The hourly rates are adjusted annually or as <br />deemed appropriate. I <br />6. Relnbunable Expenses. Reimbursable expenses, the actual costs incurred <br />directly or Indirectly for the Client's Project, will be charged at Abonmarche's I <br />current rates. Examples of reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to: <br />mileage, tests and analyses, special equipment services, postage and delivery <br />charges, telephone and lekfax charges, copying, printing, and binding <br />charges, commercial transportation, meals, lodging, special fees, licenses, and <br />permris. Suloommullant and outside technical or professional services will be <br />charged on the bash of the actual costs times a factor of 1.15. <br />]. Additional Servlces. Additional services that may be provided pursuant to the <br />Agreement or any subsequent modification of the Agreement wig be <br />authorized, when possible, by wriRen amendment signed on behal of the Client <br />and Abonmarche. Additional services, performed by Abonmarche are subject 2 <br />to al Terms and Conditions and the Client will be responsible for payment. <br />Should the Client, regulatory agency, or any public body or inspector direct <br />modification or addition to services covered by this Agreement, the cost will be <br />added to the agreed price. Requests for extra services should be mode in <br />writing via a change order, but none the kiss, Abonmarche is entitled to be paid <br />far extra services provided whether or not A is In writing. <br />8. Underground Structures a Burled URltiles. The Client s responsible fa <br />dentifaafch and location of al pubic and private bused structures on the <br />Client's properly and the Project site, such as, but not Fmiled to, storage tanks <br />and lines, or gas, water, sewer, electrical, phone, cable, a any other public or <br />private utilfies. It s agreed that Abonmarche is not responsible for accidental <br />damage to Willies or underground structures, whether known, unknown or <br />Improperly coaled. The clank shall be responsible for design fees U changes are 2 <br />necessary. Utility locating or marking services provided by Abonmarche are not <br />subsitlumm for complying with the utility owner notification requirements or the <br />bcaling services (811 systems) required prior to an excavation. UtM*s shown as <br />located by ground penetrating radar are approximate only. No excavation <br />took place to verify the positions shown or to very the type of ably (except as 2 <br />noted). Careful excavation s required for verification of the bukd utility. The <br />owner or customer assumes the Bk of error and the actual location of the <br />underground Willy. Abonmarche s not providing any certification or guarantee <br />regarding the exact location of any underground utiity. <br />9. Underground Conditions. Abonmarche shal have no responsibiliy for the <br />identification of existing a unforeseen /differing underground conditions. The <br />Contractor shall have safe responsibility for determining the naive of <br />underground conditions and the means and methods of dealing wRh those 2 <br />conditions. Abonmarche s entitled to rely upon the Information provided by <br />geotechnical consultants and shall have no reeponsiblUy far the accuracy a <br />correctness of the data contained in the geotechnical reloads. <br />10.Sih Access and Security. With the exception of access rights that and surveyors <br />are afforded by law, the Client will provide Abonmarche access to the Project <br />We and the Client wig be responsible far obtaining any necessary pemmulon <br />from any affected third party popery owners for use of that lends. The Client m <br />safety responsible far site security. <br />Abonmarche, unless specifically stated otherwise m an amendment to this <br />Agreement. Any electronic media provided under the Agreement to the Client <br />ore only for the convenience of the Client. Any conclusions or Information <br />obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at fine user's sole Bic. <br />S.Bonds and Permits The Client wit be responsible for the adoption of any site <br />access or right of way bonds that may be initiated on their behalf. At <br />completion of Abonmarche's services, the Client wig take responsbilty and pay <br />any ongoing bond or permH costs tar any bonded or permitted services. <br />6. Third party Invoicing. If the Client directs Abonmarche to Invoke third pally <br />payers. Abonmarche wig do so, but the Client agrees to be ultimately <br />responsible for Abonmarche's compensation until the Client provides <br />Abonmarche with the Ihkd party's wallen acceptance of al terms of this <br />Agreement and until Abonmarche agrees to the substitution. <br />7. third Party beneficiaries. Nothing contained In the Agreement shall create a <br />contactual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party <br />against either the Client or Abonmarche. Abonmarche's services under this <br />Agreement are being performed saey for the Client's benefit, and no other <br />party or enthy, shol hove any dam against Abonmarche because of this <br />Agreement or performance or rimperformonce of services hereunder. The <br />Client and Abonmarche agree to require a similar provision in all contracts with <br />contractors, subcontractors, subconsultants, vendors and other entities Involved <br />in the Project to carry out the Intent of this provision. <br />B.Suspensin of Services. In the event of non-payment by Client. Abonmarche <br />WE have the absolute right to cease penortnance of any services. <br />9.Comeador's Work Abonmarche shall have no authority to direct or control the <br />wort of the Contractor or to stop the Work of the Contractor. Abonmarche shag <br />not be liable to any party far the failure of the Conlroctor to perform the Work <br />consistent with the Pons and Specifications and applicable Codes and <br />Regulations. Abonmarche steal have no resporobilfy or be gable Im safety <br />procedures of me Contractor or Its subcontractors. <br />20.Consequential Damogi The Client and Abonmarche wave consequential <br />domoges for claims, disputes. or other matters in question relating to services <br />provided as a part of the Agreement, including for example, but not limited lo, <br />Nam of business. <br />1.GOVxning Law. The Agreement wig be deemed to hove been mode in St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana and shag be governed by and construed In <br />accordance wBh the awe of tine State of Inclano. <br />22. Venue. The parties (a) Irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of any Indiana court <br />sitting n St. Joseph County, Indiana in any action arising out of the agreement, <br />and (b) waive, to the fulest extent that they may effectively tlo so, the defense <br />of on Inconvenient tannin. The parties also agree that a final judgment NI any <br />such action shall be conclusive and may be enforced In other lurisdicibnsby <br />suit on the judgment, or in any other manner provided by bw. <br />23.Conddreations. The successors, executors: administrators, and legal <br />representatives of the Clint and Abonmarche are hereby bound onto the <br />other with respect to the covenants, Agreements, and obligations of the <br />Agreement. <br />4.Acts of God. Neither the Client nor Abonmarche will have any liability for <br />nonperformance caused in whole or in part by causes beyond Abonmarche's <br />reasonable control. Such causes include, but we not united to, Acts of God, <br />clvil unrest and war, labor unrest and Stokes, acts of authorities, and events that <br />could not be reasonably anticipated. <br />S.Termination. Either the Clint a Abonmarche may terminate the Agreement by <br />gMng ten (10) days written notice to the other party. In such an event, the <br />Client will pay Abonmarche In full for all services previously, outhorbed and <br />performed prior to the effective date of the termination, plus (at the discretion <br />of Abonmarche) a termination charge to cover finalization of services necessary <br />to ding ongoing services to a logical conclusion. Upon receipt of such <br />payment, Abonmarche will rekun to the Client all documents and information <br />Thal are the property of the Client. <br />Q.Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the <br />panics and there are no ogreements, representations, statements, or <br />understandings which have been relied on by the parties which are not dated <br />In this Agreement. <br />End of Agreement. <br />I L C Onsutianh. Abonmarche may engage Consultants at the request of the Client Reviewed by City of South Bend Legal Department 5/4/11 <br />to perform services which are typically the Client's responsbxFy, such as surveys, <br />geotechnical and environmental assessments. The Client agrees that <br />Abonmarche will not be responsible far, or in any manner guarantee, the <br />performance of services by the Consultants. The Cient agrees that <br />Abonmarche will not be liable far any claim, liability. or defense cost far injury or <br />Noss sustained by any body allegedly caused by the Consultants' negligence or <br />willful misconduct. <br />12.0pinlons of Cost. Any opinions of probable construction cost and/or total <br />project cost provided by Abonmarche w11 be on the basis of experience and <br />judgment, but these are only estimates. Abonmarche does not warrant that bids <br />or ultimate construction m total project costs wil not vary from such estimates. <br />13.Ownenhip all Work Product. Abonmarche will remain the owner of all original <br />drawings, reports, and other materials provided to the Clint, whether In hard <br />copy or magnetic medics forth. The Client h authorized to use the copies <br />provided by Abonmarche only in connection with the Project. My other use or <br />reuse by the Clint far any purposes whatever wig be at the Client's risk and lull <br />legal responsibility, without liability to Abonmarche and the Client wig defend, <br />Indemnity, and hold Abonmarche harmless from al claims, damages, losses, <br />and expenses, including attorney lees arming out of or resuting there from. <br />14111inchonk Media. Copies of data, reports, drawings, specifications, and other <br />materms furnished by Abonmarche that may be relied upon by lire Client are <br />united to the printed copies toso known as hard copies) that are delivered to <br />the Client pursuant to the services under this Agreement. Computer fibs of text, <br />data, graphics, or of other types of electronic metlb are the safe possession of <br />Revised 5-411 Page 2 of 2 <br />