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Touttttutor arvart <br />(in tot Tomuwn (101tilm of tot (atty of 001d# ]grub.. <br />Your Committee OF THE WHOLE <br />to whom was referred <br />A BILL AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, ESTABLISH A POLICY, <br />PERTAINING TO THE RATE OF REIMBURSEMENT TO EMPLOYEES <br />WHO USE THEIR PRIVATE VEHICLES IN PERFORMING JOB <br />DUTIES FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion THIS BILL SHOULD BE RECOMMENDED <br />TO THE COUNCIL FAVORABLEp as amended: <br />Section 2 -47: <br />Paragraph 1 - change to January 1, 1979, from December 31, 1979 <br />Paragraph 2 - CHange 30 cents to 22 cents <br />Paragraph 3 - change to - Until July 1, 1979, those individuals <br />who revert to personal usage for City <br />business will be paid 22 cents per <br />mile for the first 5,000 miles and <br />17 cents per mile thereafter. <br />Paragraph 6 - eliminate <br />FRANK HORVATH <br />Chairman <br />FREE FREES FUBLISHINC co. <br />