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invest and disburse said proceeds in accordance with the provi- <br />sions of the Indenture. All provisions of the Indenture, includ- <br />ing those with respect to the acquisition, construction and <br />equipping of the Project, the issuance and delivery of the Bonds <br />and the receipt, custody, investment and application of the <br />proceeds of the Bonds and the loan payments and other revenues <br />to be derived from the Project, are hereby in all respects adopted, <br />ratified and confirmed for and on behalf of the Issuer. <br />Section 16. <br />Section 103(b) (6) (D) Election. The Issuer <br />hereby elects to have the provisions as to the limit in Section <br />103(b) (6) (D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, <br />applied to the Bonds; and the Mayor and the City Clerk of the <br />Issuer be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed <br />to take any and all further action which may be required to <br />implement and effectuate such election, including without limita- <br />tion the preparation and filing of such statement or statements <br />or other document or documents as may be deemed by them to be <br />necessary or advisable in order to comply with the procedure set <br />forth in Section 1.103 -10(b) (2) (vi) of the Income Tax Regulations <br />(26 CFR Part 1) under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of <br />1954, as amended, and all acts heretofore taken by them in this <br />connection are hereby ratified and confirmed. <br />Section 17. Preparation of Bonds. The Mayor and the City <br />Clerk of the Issuer are hereby authorized and directed to cause <br />to be prepared an issue of $3,200,000 principal amount of the <br />Bonds in the form, bearing interest at the rates, and having the <br />other terms and provisions specified in the Indenture. <br />Section 18. Designation of Trustee. First Bank and Trust <br />Company of South Bend, South Bend, Indiana, is hereby designated <br />Trustee under the Indenture. The Issuer hereby recognizes, agrees <br />to and approves the deposit of the proceeds of the Bonds with the <br />Trustee under the Indenture which amount shall be held and applied <br />by said Trustee in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture. <br />- 10 - <br />