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their approval of any and all changes or revisions from the <br />form of Loan Agreement or Indenture, as the case may be, now <br />before this meeting and the City Clerk is hereby authorized <br />and directed to affix to the Loan Agreement and the Indenture <br />the corporate seal of the Issuer. <br />Section 14. Approval of the Bond Purchase Agreement and <br />the Sale of the Bonds. The form, terms and provisions of the <br />Bond Purchase Agreement are hereby approved and the Mayor and <br />the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and <br />deliver the Bond Purchase Agreement in substantially the form now <br />before this meeting and hereby approved. The sale of the Bonds <br />pursuant to the Bond Purchase Agreement, at the price of one <br />hundred percent (100 %) of the principal amount of the Bonds to <br />the Bond Purchasers is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. <br />Section 15. Authorization to Effect Execution and Delivery <br />of Documents. The Mayor and the City Clerk for and on behalf <br />of the Issuer, shall be and they are hereby authorized and <br />directed to do any and all things necessary to effect the execu- <br />tion and delivery of the Indenture and the Loan Agreement, to do <br />any and all things necessary to effect the performance of all <br />obligations of the Issuer under and pursuant to the Loan Agree- <br />ment and the Indenture, the execution and delivery of the Bonds, <br />and the performance of all other acts of whatever nature necessary <br />to effect and carry out the authority conferred by this ordinance <br />and by the Loan Agreement and the Indenture. The Mayor and the <br />City Clerk shall be, and they are hereby further authorized and <br />directed for and on behalf of the Issuer, to execute all papers, <br />documents, certificates, financing statements and other instruments <br />that may be required for the carrying out of the authority con- <br />ferred by this ordinance and by the Loan Agreement and the Inden- <br />ture, or to evidence the said authority and its exercise. <br />The Trustee is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for <br />the proceeds of the Bonds on behalf of the Issuer and to hold, <br />9 - <br />